01. Basic Analysis Gently Done: Topological Vector Spaces
Ivan F. Wilde | King's College, London
Published in 2010, 129 pages
002. Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook
Christopher C. Tisdell | BookBoon
Published in 2012, 114 pages
003. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
Elmer A. Lyman, Edwin C. Goddard | Allyn and Bacon
Published in 1900, 157 pages
004. The Millennium Prize Problems
J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, A. Wiles | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 139 pages
005. The Calculus Of Finite Differences
L. M. Milne Thomson | Macmillan and co
Published in 1933, 590 pages
006. Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data
Hugh D. Young | McGraw Hill
Published in 1962
007. Algebraic Geometry over the Complex Numbers
Donu Arapura | Purdue University
Published in 2009, 234 pages
008. Mathematics for Engineers
William Neville Rose | Chapman
Published in 1922
009. Topics in dynamics I: Flows
Edward Nelson | Princeton University Press
Published in 1969, 122 pages
010. Jacobi Operators and Complete Integrable Nonlinear Lattices
Gerald Teschl | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1999, 369 pages
011. Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives
Alain Connes, Matilde Marcolli | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2007, 705 pages
012. A Course of Pure Mathematics
G.H. Hardy | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1921, 476 pages
013. Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry
Herbert Clemens, János Kollár | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1996, 172 pages
014. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid
John Casey, Euclid | Longmans, Green, and Co.
Published in 1885, 233 pages
015. Elementary Algebra
John Redden | Flat World Knowledge
Published in 2011
016. Robust Geometric Computation
Kurt Mehlhorn, Chee Yap | New York University
Published in 2004
017. A Sampler of Riemann-Finsler Geometry
D. Bao, R. Bryant, S. Chern, Z. Shen | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 376 pages
018. Real Functions in One Variable: Examples of Integrals
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2007, 154 pages
019. Distribution Theory (Generalized Functions)
Ivan F Wilde |
Published in 2005, 66 pages
020. The CRing Project: a collaborative open source textbook on commutative algebra
Shishir Agrawal, et al. | CRing Project
Published in 2011, 493 pages
021. From D-modules to Deformation Quantization Modules
Pierre Schapira | UPMC
Published in 2012, 89 pages
022. A Course in Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver | University of Amsterdam
Published in 2012, 221 pages
023. Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics
Richard Lowry |
Published in 2008
024. Functional Analysis Lecture Notes
T.B. Ward | University of East Anglia
Published in 2001, 73 pages
025. Abelian Categories: an Introduction to the Theory of Functors
Peter Freyd | Harper and Row
Published in 1964, 192 pages
026. Symbolic Logic: A First Course
Gary Hardegree | Mcgraw-Hill College
Published in 1999, 468 pages
027. A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic
Stefan Bilaniuk |
Published in 2003, 166 pages
028. Harmonic Analysis
Russell Brown | University of Kentucky
Published in 2009, 191 pages
029. Elementary Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos in Dissipative Systems
Bai-Lin Hao | World Scientific
Published in 1989, 475 pages
030. Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity
Giampiero Esposito | arXiv
Published in 1999, 229 pages
031. Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90
William H. Press, at al. | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1996, 500 pages
032. Geometric Wave Equations
Stefan Waldmann | arXiv
Published in 2012, 279 pages
033. Homeomorphisms in Analysis
Casper Goffman, at al. | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 216 pages
034. Computer analysis of number sequences
Henry Ibstedt | American Research Press
Published in 1998, 86 pages
035. Elementary Mathematics
W W L Chen, X T Duong | Macquarie University
Published in 1999
036. A Century of Mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Richard A. Askey | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1988
037. Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and the Hecke Algebra
David M. Goldschmidt | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1993, 73 pages
038. Differential Equations
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 504 pages
039. Applied Mathematical Programming
S. Bradley, A. Hax, T. Magnanti | Addison-Wesley
Published in 1977, 716 pages
040. Super Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | InfoQuest
Published in 2008, 293 pages
041. A Basic Course in Applied Mathematics
J. Bystrom, L. Persson, F. Stromberg | Lulea University of Technology
Published in 2010
042. Geometry of Four Dimensions
Parker Manning Henry | The MacMillan Company
Published in 1914, 378 pages
043. Stochastic Integration and Stochastic Differential Equations
Klaus Bichteler | University of Texas
Published in 2002, 643 pages
044. Cusps of Gauss Mappings
Thomas Banchoff, Terence Gaffney, Clint McCrory | Pitman Advanced Pub. Program
Published in 1982, 88 pages
045. Mathematical Methods
Mihir Sen, Joseph M. Powers | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2010, 432 pages
046. Vector Analysis
Gibbs, J. Willard | Yale University Press
Published in 1929, 432 pages
047. Non-Euclidean Geometry
Henry Manning | Ginn and Company
Published in 1901, 93 pages
048. An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
Sigmundur Gudmundsson | Lund University
Published in 2010, 106 pages
049. Lectures on Disintegration of Measures
L. Schwartz | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 139 pages
050. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity
Stefan Waner |
Published in 2005, 138 pages
051. Design of Comparative Experiments
R. A. Bailey | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 348 pages
052. Multivariable Calculus
Jerry Shurman | Reed College
Published in 2010, 487 pages
053. Lectures on Random Polymers
F. Caravenna, F. den Hollander, N. Petrelis | arXiv
Published in 2011, 74 pages
054. The Radon Transform
Sigurdur Helgason | Birkhauser Boston
Published in 1999, 196 pages
055. CK-12 Algebra I
Andrew Gloag, Anne Gloag | CK-12 Foundation
Published in 2010, 825 pages
056. Lectures On Unique Factorization Domains
P. Samuel | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1964, 68 pages
057. Prerequisites in Algebraic Topology
Bjorn Ian Dundas | NTNU
Published in 2005, 55 pages
058. Lectures on Calabi-Yau and Special Lagrangian Geometry
Dominic Joyce | arXiv
Published in 2002, 58 pages
059. Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces
Ralph Howard | Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Published in 1994, 108 pages
060. Analysis Tools with Applications
Bruce K. Driver | Springer
Published in 2003, 790 pages
061. Algebra I
| CK-12 Foundation
Published in 2009, 992 pages
062. Lectures on Torus Embeddings and Applications
Tadao Oda | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 158 pages
063. An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics
William Elwood Byerly | Ginn and company
Published in 1893, 309 pages
064. Functional Analysis
Feng Tian, Palle E.T. Jorgensen | arXiv
Published in 2010, 98 pages
065. Semi-classical analysis
Victor Guillemin, Shlomo Sternberg | Harvard University
Published in 2012, 488 pages
066. Topics in Finite Geometry: Ovals, Ovoids and Generalized Quadrangles
S. E. Payne | University of Colorado Denver
Published in 2007, 945 pages
067. Existence, multiplicity, perturbation, and concentration results for a class of quasi-linear elliptic problems
Marco Squassina | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Published in 2006, 213 pages
068. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics
W. W. Rouse Ball | Dover Publications
Published in 1960, 466 pages
069. A Mathematics Primer for Physics Graduate Students
Andrew E. Blechman |
Published in 2007, 78 pages
070. Algorithmic Number Theory
J.P. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 662 pages
071. Mathematics for Computer Science
Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton, Albert R Meyer | MIT
Published in 2010, 556 pages
072. Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
Jiří Lebl | Lulu.com
Published in 2009, 252 pages
073. The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers
Legh Wilber Reid | The Macmillan company
Published in 1910, 488 pages
074. Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: An Integrated System in Basic
John C. Nash | Marcel Dekker Inc
Published in 1995, 493 pages
075. A Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics
William F. White | The Open Court Publishing Company
Published in 1908, 234 pages
076. Abstract Algebra I
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2004
077. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
Yousef Saad | PWS
Published in 1996
078. Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras
Iain Gordon | University of Edinburgh
Published in 2009, 55 pages
079. Basic Mathematics
Thomas Ward | UEA
Published in 2003, 23 pages
080. Categorical Geometry
Zhaohua Luo |
Published in 1998
081. Algebraic Logic
H. Andreka, I. Nemeti, I. Sain |
Published in 2003, 129 pages
082. Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 2: Vector and Tensor Analysis
Ray M. Bowen, C.-C. Wang |
Published in 2008, 246 pages
083. Elementary Calculus
Frederick S Woods, Frederick H Bailey | Ginn and Company
Published in 1922, 323 pages
084. Algorithmic Graph Theory
David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, Nathann Cohen | Google Code
Published in 2010, 105 pages
085. Tabletop: Analog Game Design
Greg Costikyan, Drew Davidson |
Published in 2011, 206 pages
086. The Elements Of Non-Euclidean Geometry
Julian Lowell Coolidge | Oxford At The Clarendon Press
Published in 1909, 282 pages
087. An Introduction to Category Theory in Four Easy Movements
A. Schalk, H. Simmons | Manchester University
Published in 2005, 197 pages
088. Calculus Made Easy
Silvanus P. Thompson | The MacMillan Company
Published in 1914, 315 pages
089. Mathematical Measures, Mathematical Pleasures, Mathematical Treasures
Stephen Clark | Lulu.com
Published in 2008, 48 pages
090. A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics
Joseph Fields | Southern Connecticut State University
Published in 2009, 428 pages
091. Introduction to Linear Bialgebra
W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | arXiv
Published in 2005, 238 pages
092. Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
J. E. Goodman, J. Pach, E. Welzl | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2007, 616 pages
093. A Topology Primer
Klaus Wirthmüller | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Published in 2002, 197 pages
094. Notes on Linear Algebra
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary, University of London
Published in 2008, 124 pages
095. Lectures on Some Aspects of p-Adic Analysis
F. Bruhat | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1963, 147 pages
096. Basics of Algebra and Analysis For Computer Science
Jean Gallier |
Published in 2007, 254 pages
097. First Book in General Mathematics
Frank S. Pugh | P.P. Simmons
Published in 1917, 285 pages
098. Lectures on Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
John Cea | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 237 pages
099. Elementary Textbook on the Calculus
Virgil Snyder | Cornell University Library
Published in 1912, 388 pages
100. Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Evans M. Harrell II |
Published in 2000
101. The Theory of Numbers
R. D. Carmichael | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1914, 85 pages
102. Inside Out: Inverse Problems and Applications
Gunther Uhlmann | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2003, 400 pages
103. Handbook of Engineering Mathematics
Walter E. Wynne, William Spraragen | Van Nostrand
Published in 1916, 246 pages
104. Introduction to the Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations
Michael F. Singer | arXiv
Published in 2008, 83 pages
105. Notes on Symmetric Spaces
Jonathan Holland, Bogdan Ion | arXiv
Published in 2012, 109 pages
106. Mathematics of Modality
Robert Goldblatt | CSLI Publications
Published in 1993, 288 pages
107. Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
Henri Darmon, Shou-Wu Zhang | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 382 pages
108. Applied Nonparametric Regression
Wolfgang Härdle | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1992, 433 pages
109. Several Complex Variables
Michael Schneider, Yum-Tong Siu | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1999, 564 pages
110. Lectures on Topics in Stochastic Differential Equations
Daniel W. Stroock | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1982, 93 pages
111. Lectures On Old And New Results On Algebraic Curves
P. Samuel | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1966, 99 pages
112. Lie Groups in Physics
G. 't Hooft, M. J. G. Veltman | Utrecht University
Published in 2007, 75 pages
113. Numerical Methods For Time Dependent Equations
P. Lascaux | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 162 pages
114. Geometric Topology: Localization, Periodicity and Galois Symmetry
Dennis Sullivan | Springer
Published in 2005, 296 pages
115. Multivariable and Vector Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
116. Exotic Homology Manifolds
Frank Quinn, Andrew Ranicki |
Published in 2006, 158 pages
117. A defense of Columbo: A multilevel introduction to probabilistic reasoning
G. D'Agostini | arXiv
Published in 2010, 60 pages
118. Lectures on The Finite Element Method
Ph. Ciarlet | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1975, 145 pages
119. Matrix Analysis
Steven J Cox | Rice University
Published in 2012, 98 pages
120. Fourier Series and Systems of Differential Equations and Eigenvalue Problems
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2007, 125 pages
121. Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2007, 302 pages
122. Lectures on Sieve Methods
H.E. Richert | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 216 pages
123. Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, at al. | Automaton
Published in 2007, 352 pages
124. Representation Theory of Compact Groups
Michael Ruzhansky, Ville Turunen | Aalto TKK
Published in 2008, 135 pages
125. Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
R. E. Showalter | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 278 pages
126. Proof, Sets, and Logic
M. Randall Holmes | Boise State University
Published in 2009, 207 pages
127. Applied Mathematics by Example
Jeremy Pickles | BookBoon
Published in 2010
128. Basic Category Theory
Jaap van Oosten | University of Utrecht
Published in 2007, 88 pages
129. Pictures of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets
| Wikibooks
Published in 2010
130. An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions
George M. Bergman | Henry Helson
Published in 1998, 398 pages
131. Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering
John H. Mathews, Russell W. Howell | Jones & Bartlett Learning
Published in 2006, 633 pages
132. Algebra for Beginners
James Loudon | Copp, Clark & Co
Published in 1876, 172 pages
133. Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis
Ruslan Sharipov | Samizdat Press
Published in 2004, 47 pages
134. Linear Algebra for Informatics
José Figueroa-O'Farrill | The University of Edinburgh
Published in 2005
135. Neutral and Non-Euclidean Geometries
David C. Royster | UNC Charlotte
Published in 2000, 145 pages
136. scl
Danny Calegari | Mathematical Society of Japan
Published in 2009, 218 pages
137. Lectures on Curves on Rational and Unirational Surfaces
Masayoshi Miyanishi | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 267 pages
138. Spherical Trigonometry
I. Todhunter | Macmillan and co
Published in 1886, 189 pages
139. Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Autar K Kaw | University of South Florida
Published in 2002
140. Numbers and Symbols: From Counting to Abstract Algebras
Roy McWeeny | Learning Development Institute
Published in 2007, 53 pages
141. Applied Finite Mathematics
Rupinder Sekhon | Connexions
Published in 2011, 347 pages
142. Lectures on Siegel's Modular Functions
H. Maass | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1955, 286 pages
143. Mathematical Principals of Dynamic Systems and the Foundations of Quantum Physics
Eric Tesse | arXiv
Published in 2011, 87 pages
144. Introductory Mathematical Analysis
W.P. Webber, L.C. Plant | John Wiley & sons
Published in 1919, 332 pages
145. Introduction to Evolution Equations in Geometry
Bianca Santoro | arXiv
Published in 2012, 91 pages
146. Essentials of Statistics: Exercises
David Brink | BookBoon
Published in 2008, 58 pages
147. Mathematics at the Edge of the Rational Universe
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008, 115 pages
148. Advanced Topics in Probability
S.R.S. Varadhan | New York University
Published in 2011
149. Intuitionistic Logic
Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh | Universiteit van Amsterdam
Published in 2010, 57 pages
150. Elementary Set Theory with a Universal Set
Randall Holmes |
Published in 2005, 240 pages
151. Computational Mathematics for Differential Equations
N. V. Kopchenova, I. A. Maron |
Published in 1975
152. Natural Topology
Frank Waaldijk | arXiv
Published in 2012, 174 pages
153. Lectures on Forms of Higher Degree
J.I. Igusa | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 169 pages
154. Lectures on Riemann Matrices
C.L. Siegel | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1963, 101 pages
155. Lie groups and Lie algebras
N. Reshetikhin, V. Serganova, R. Borcherds | UC Berkeley
Published in 2007, 199 pages
156. Workbook in Higher Algebra
David Surowski |
Published in 1992, 194 pages
157. Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis: Functions of One Real Variable
N. J. Lennes | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1907, 225 pages
158. Graphical Calculus
Arthur Henry Barker | Longmans, Green, and Co.
Published in 1896, 188 pages
159. Foundations of Mathematics
Stephen G. Simpson | Pennsylvania State University
Published in 2008, 123 pages
160. Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves
J. E. Cremona | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1992, 351 pages
161. Introduction to Groups, Invariants and Particles
Frank W. K. Firk | Orange Grove Texts Plus
Published in 2000, 162 pages
162. Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems
Mark Pinsky, Bjorn Birnir | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2007, 428 pages
163. The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems
Francis Sowerby Macaulay | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1916, 140 pages
164. Graph Theory With Applications
J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty | Elsevier Science Ltd
Published in 1976, 270 pages
165. The Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces
Jean Gallier, Dianna Xu |
Published in 2009, 134 pages
166. An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Mechanics and Relativity
Leonor Godinho, Jose Natario |
Published in 2004, 272 pages
167. A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
Robert B. Ash | University of Illinois
Published in 2003
168. Algebraic L-theory and Topological Manifolds
A. A. Ranicki | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2011, 365 pages
169. Symplectic Reflection Algebras
Gwyn Bellamy | arXiv
Published in 2012, 64 pages
170. Differential Geometry in Physics
Gabriel Lugo | University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Published in 2006, 61 pages
171. Very Basic Noncommutative Geometry
Masoud Khalkhali | University of Western Ontario
Published in 2004, 104 pages
172. The Calculus Integral
Brian S. Thomson | ClassicalRealAnalysis.com
Published in 2010, 303 pages
173. Algebraic Tools for Modal Logic
Mai Gehrke, Yde Venema | ESSLLI
Published in 2001, 109 pages
174. Algebraic Number Theory and Class Field Theory
Holden Lee | MIT
Published in 2012, 341 pages
175. The Chaos Hypertextbook
Glenn Elert |
Published in 2007
176. Galois Theory
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2009, 86 pages
177. Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver |
Published in 2012, 64 pages
178. Logics of Time and Computation
Robert Goldblatt | Center for the Study of Language
Published in 1992, 200 pages
179. The Principles Of Mathematics
Bertrand Russell | W. W. Norton & Company
, 579 pages
180. Essential Mathematics
Franco Vivaldi |
Published in 2006, 74 pages
181. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers
Allen B. Downey | Green Tea Press
Published in 2011, 122 pages
182. Functional Analysis
Gerald Teschl | University of Vienna
Published in 2009, 142 pages
183. Trigonometry Notes
Steven Sy | Michigan State University
Published in 2008, 448 pages
184. Algebraic Geometry
Andreas Gathmann | University of Kaiserslautern
Published in 2003, 214 pages
185. Preparing for College Physics
David Murdock | TTU
Published in 2002, 64 pages
186. The Basics of Financial Mathematics
Richard F. Bass |
Published in 2003, 106 pages
187. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin A. Abbot | Seeley and Co.
Published in 1884, 120 pages
188. Practical Mathematics
Cargill Gilston Knott | Chambers
Published in 1914, 652 pages
189. Course of Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry
Ruslan Sharipov | Samizdat Press
Published in 1996, 143 pages
190. The Algebra of Logic
Louis Couturat | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2004, 102 pages
191. CDBooK: Introduction to Vassiliev Knot invariants
S.Chmutov, S.Duzhin, J.Mostovoy | Ohio State Universit
Published in 2009, 460 pages
192. Groups: Presentations and Representations
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008, 203 pages
193. Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos
Julien C. Sprott | M & T Books
Published in 2000, 591 pages
194. Lectures on Symplectic Geometry
Ana Cannas da Silva | Springer
Published in 2006, 225 pages
195. Flavors of Geometry
Silvio Levy | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1997, 208 pages
196. Calculus for Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, and Physicists
Andrew D. Hwang | Holy Cross
Published in 1998, 487 pages
197. Introduction to Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry
U. Bruzzo |
Published in 2008, 138 pages
198. An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University
Published in 2010, 95 pages
199. Metrics on the Phase Space and Non-Selfadjoint Pseudo-Differential Operators
Nicolas Lerner | Birkhäuser
Published in 2009
200. Almost None of the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi | Carnegie Mellon University
Published in 2010, 347 pages
201. Lecture notes on C*-algebras, Hilbert C*-modules, and quantum mechanics
N.P. Landsman | arXiv
Published in 1998, 90 pages
202. Random Matrix Models and Their Applications
Pavel Bleher, Alexander Its | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2001, 438 pages
203. Symbolic Logic: A Second Course
Gary Hardegree | UMass Amherst
Published in 2003
204. Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs
Aldous, Fill | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2002
205. Solid Geometry, with Problems and Applications
H. E. Slaught, N. J. Lennes | Allyn and Bacon
Published in 1919, 242 pages
206. Calculus
H.W. March, H.C. Wolff | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1917, 388 pages
207. Vector Analysis and Quaternions
Alexander Macfarlane | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1906, 65 pages
208. Multivariable Calculus
George Cain, James Herod |
Published in 1997
209. The Matrix Cookbook
Kaare Brandt Petersen, Michael Syskind Pedersen |
Published in 2008, 67 pages
210. An Introduction to Good Old Fashioned Model Theory
Harold Simmons | The University of Manchester
Published in 2004, 180 pages
211. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
John Douglas Moore | UCSB
Published in 2003, 169 pages
212. Introduction to Probability
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 61 pages
213. Analytic Geometry
L. P. Siceloff, G. Wentworth, D. E. Smith | Ginn and Company
Published in 1922, 296 pages
214. A First Course in Linear Algebra
Robert A. Beezer | University of Puget Sound
Published in 2010, 1035 pages
215. Linear Algebra and Matrices
Martin Fluch |
Published in 2007, 137 pages
216. The Story of Euclid
W. B. Frankland | George Newnes
Published in 1902, 183 pages
217. Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups
David Meredith | San Francisco State University
Published in 1999, 89 pages
218. Lectures on Lipschitz Analysis
Juha Heinonen |
Published in 2005, 77 pages
219. Notes on Algebraic Structures
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary, University of London
Published in 2006, 102 pages
220. Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry
Arthur Ogus | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2006, 255 pages
221. Shadows of the Truth: Metamathematics of Elementary Mathematics
Alexandre Borovik | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2010, 293 pages
222. Convex Optimization
Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 730 pages
223. Topics in topology: The signature theorem and some of its applications
Liviu I. Nicolaescu | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2008, 159 pages
224. A Primer of Commutative Algebra
J.S. Milne |
Published in 2011, 75 pages
225. Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2
D. Eisenbud, D. Grayson, M. Stillman, B. Sturmfels | Springer
Published in 2001, 343 pages
226. Differential Topology
C.T.C. Wall | University of Edinburgh
Published in 1961, 207 pages
227. Linear Algebra C-2: Geometrical Vectors, Vector Spaces and Linear Maps
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 126 pages
228. Experimental Design and Analysis
Howard J. Seltman | Carnegie Mellon University
Published in 2012, 428 pages
229. Complex Manifolds and Hermitian Differential Geometry
Andrew D. Hwang | University of Toronto
Published in 1997, 113 pages
230. CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics: A Short Course
Brenda Meery | CK-12.org
Published in 2010
231. Games of No Chance 3
Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2009, 586 pages
232. The Calculus of Functions of Several Variables
Dan Sloughter | Furman University
Published in 2001, 260 pages
233. Lectures on the Mean-Value and Omega Theorems for the Riemann Zeta-Function
K. Ramachandra | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1995, 190 pages
234. Group Theory
J. S. Milne |
Published in 2009, 127 pages
235. Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing
Adrian Sandu | Virginia Tech
Published in 2001, 215 pages
236. Notes on Galois Theory
Mark Reeder | Boston College
Published in 2012, 66 pages
237. Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis
Edward A. Bender, S. Gill Williamson | Dover Publications
Published in 2005, 256 pages
238. Descriptive Set Theory
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2009, 516 pages
239. Introduction to Real Analysis
William F. Trench | Prentice Hall
Published in 2003, 583 pages
240. Advanced Calculus
Lynn H. Loomis, Shlomo Sternberg | Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Published in 1989, 592 pages
241. Notes on Fermionic Fock Space for Number Theorists
Greg W. Anderson | The University of Arizona
Published in 2000, 99 pages
242. Introduction To Finite Mathematics
J. G. Kemeny, J. L. Snell, G. L. Thompson | Prentice-Hall
Published in 1974
243. Algebraic geometry and projective differential geometry
Joseph M. Landsberg | arXiv
Published in 1998, 70 pages
244. Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
David W. Stockburger | Missouri State University
Published in 2001
245. Applied Probability
Paul E Pfeiffer | Connexions
Published in 2008, 634 pages
246. Spherical Harmonics in p Dimensions
Christopher Frye, Costas J. Efthimiou | arXiv
Published in 2012, 95 pages
247. Foundations of geometry for university students and high-school students
Ruslan Sharipov | arXiv
Published in 2007, 221 pages
248. Researches on Curves of the Second Order
George Whitehead Hearn | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2005, 64 pages
249. Lectures on Topics in Mean Periodic Functions and the Two-Radius Theorem
J. Delsarte | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1961, 151 pages
250. Notes on the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
Liviu I. Nicolaescu | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2005, 135 pages
251. Introduction to the Numerical Integration of PDEs
B. Piette | University of Durham
Published in 2004, 89 pages
252. Commutative Algebra
Keerthi Madapusi | Harvard University
Published in 2007, 177 pages
253. A Summary of Calculus
Karl Heinz Dovermann | University of Hawaii
Published in 2003, 164 pages
254. Algorithmic Algebra
Bhubaneswar Mishra | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Published in 1993, 425 pages
255. Lectures on Stochastic Analysis
Thomas G. Kurtz | University of Wisconsin
Published in 2007, 119 pages
256. Further Mathematical Methods
Niels Walet |
Published in 2002, 79 pages
257. Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory
Max Kelly | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2005, 143 pages
258. The World of Mathematics
Philipp Legner | Mathigon
Published in 2012
259. Higher-Dimensional Categories: an illustrated guide book
Eugenia Cheng, Aaron Lauda | University of Sheffield
Published in 2004, 182 pages
260. Noncompact Harmonic Manifolds
Gerhard Knieper, Norbert Peyerimhoff | arXiv
Published in 2013, 84 pages
261. Homological Conjectures
Tom Marley, Laura Lynch | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Published in 2010, 56 pages
262. Chaos: Classical and Quantum
Predrag Cvitanovic | ChaosBook.org
Published in 2008, 813 pages
263. Riemannian Geometry
Richard L. Bishop | arXiv
Published in 2013, 67 pages
264. Contact Geometry
Hansjoerg Geiges | arXiv
Published in 2004, 86 pages
265. Lectures on Shimura Varieties
A. Genestier, B.C. Ngo |
Published in 2006, 50 pages
266. Discrete Mathematics
| Wikibooks
Published in 2012
267. Symplectic Geometry of Quantum Noise
Leonid Polterovich | arXiv
Published in 2012, 57 pages
268. Engineering Mathematics with Tables
M.A. Keasey, G.A. Kline, D.A. McIlhatten | The Blakiston company
Published in 1940, 376 pages
269. Lectures On Some Fixed Point Theorems Of Functional Analysis
F.F. Bonsall | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1962, 147 pages
270. An Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction
Philip J. Koopman, Jr. | Academic Press
Published in 1990, 176 pages
271. Mixed Motives
Marc Levine | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1998, 523 pages
272. The Handbook of Essential Mathematics
John C. Sparks | Air Force Publication
Published in 2006, 205 pages
273. Continuous Distributions
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 167 pages
274. Essential Engineering Mathematics
Michael Batty | BookBoon
Published in 2011, 149 pages
275. Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
Michael Roeckner | Universitaet Bielefeld
Published in 2011, 98 pages
276. The Design of Approximation Algorithms
D. P. Williamson, D. B. Shmoys | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2010, 496 pages
277. Reversibility and Stochastic Networks
F.P. Kelly | John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Published in 1979, 233 pages
278. Universal Algebra for Computer Science
Eric G. Wagner | Wagner Mathematics
Published in 2006
279. Quantum Physics, Relativity, and Complex Spacetime
Gerald Kaiser | University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Published in 2003, 252 pages
280. Calculus
Benjamin Crowell |
Published in 2007, 138 pages
281. Honors Calculus
Frank Jones | Rice University
Published in 2004
282. Hilbert Space Methods for Partial Differential Equations
R. E. Showalter | Pitman
Published in 1994, 208 pages
283. Notes on Introductory Point-Set Topology
Allen Hatcher | Cornell University
Published in 2011, 53 pages
284. Arithmetic Duality Theorems
J.S. Milne | BookSurge Publishing
Published in 2006, 347 pages
285. Conformal Fractals: Ergodic Theory Methods
F. Przytycki, M. Urbanski | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2009, 362 pages
286. Nonstandard Analysis
J. Ponstein |
Published in 2002, 147 pages
287. Calculus I
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 586 pages
288. Languages and Machines
C. D. H. Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
289. Category Theory and Functional Programming
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson | University of St. Andrews
Published in 2012, 99 pages
290. Category Theory Lecture Notes
Daniele Turi | University of Edinburgh
Published in 2001, 61 pages
291. Lectures on Topics in Analysis
Raghavan Narasimhan | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1965, 205 pages
292. The Elements of Non-Euclidean Plane Geometry and Trigonometry
Horatio Scott Carslaw | Longmans, Green and co.
Published in 1916, 202 pages
293. Axiom: The Scientific Computation System
Richard D. Jenks, Robert S. Sutor | axiom-developer.org
Published in 2003, 1200 pages
294. Vector Analysis Notes
Matthew Hutton | matthewhutton.com
Published in 2006, 63 pages
295. A First Course of Partial Differential Equations in Physical Sciences and Engineering
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2009, 285 pages
296. Computational and Algorithmic Linear Algebra and n-Dimensional Geometry
Katta G. Murty |
Published in 2001, 554 pages
297. Lectures on Complex Analytic Manifolds
L. Schwartz | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1955, 163 pages
298. Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization
Lap Chi Lau, R. Ravi, M. Singh | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2011, 229 pages
299. Homotopy Theories and Model Categories
W. G. Dwyer, J. Spalinski | University of Notre Dame
Published in 1995, 56 pages
300. Engineering Statistics and Quality Control
Irving W. Burr | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1953
301. Correlation and Causality
David A. Kenny | John Wiley & Sons Inc
Published in 1979, 353 pages
302. Mathematical Recreations and Essays
W. W. Rouse Ball | Macmillan
Published in 1914, 506 pages
303. Isometrica: A Geometrical Introduction to Planar Crystallographic Groups
George Baloglou |
Published in 2007, 473 pages
304. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
A.J. Hildebrand | University of Illinois
Published in 2006, 197 pages
305. An Introduction to the Smarandache Function
Charles Ashbacher | Erhus Univ Pr
Published in 1995, 62 pages
306. Introduction to Stokes Structures
Claude Sabbah | arXiv
Published in 2010, 157 pages
307. Differential Topology and Morse Theory
Dirk Schuetz | University of Sheffield
Published in 2009, 96 pages
308. The Philosophy of Mathematics
Auguste Comte | Harper & brothers
Published in 1851, 276 pages
309. C*-algebras
Ivan F Wilde |
Published in 2009, 76 pages
310. Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus
K.D. Stroyan | Academic Press, Inc.
Published in 1997, 182 pages
311. The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces
J. P. May | Springer
Published in 1972, 175 pages
312. A First Course in Complex Analysis
Matthias Beck, Gerald Marchesi, Dennis Pixton | San Francisco State University
Published in 2007, 110 pages
313. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
William Anthony Granville | Ginn
Published in 1911, 493 pages
314. Stability, Riemann Surfaces, Conformal Mappings: Complex Functions Theory a-3
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 115 pages
315. Topics in the Geometric Theory of Integrable Mechanical Systems
Robert Hermann | Math Sci Press
Published in 1984, 347 pages
316. A First Course in Topology: Continuity and Dimension
John McCleary | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 210 pages
317. Real Numbers and Fascinating Fractions
N. M. Beskin |
Published in 1986
318. Handbook of Modal Logic
Patrick Blackburn, Johan van Benthem, Frank Wolter |
Published in 2006, 1260 pages
319. Higher Topos Theory
Jacob Lurie | Princeton University Press
Published in 2009, 943 pages
320. Explaining Logarithms
Dan Umbarger | Brown Books Publishing Group
Published in 2006, 112 pages
321. Surgical Methods in Rigidity
F.T. Farrell | Springer
Published in 1996, 108 pages
322. Algorithmic Mathematics
Leonard Soicher, Franco Vivaldi |
Published in 2004, 94 pages
323. Math Made a Bit Easier: Basic Math Explained in Plain English
Larry Zafran | CreateSpace
Published in 2009, 280 pages
324. Introductory Finite Difference Methods for PDEs
D. M. Causon, C. G. Mingham | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 144 pages
325. Smarandache Loops
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 129 pages
326. Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
A.D.R. Choudary, Saima Parveen, Constantin Varsan | arXiv
Published in 2010, 208 pages
327. A First Course on Time Series Analysis with SAS
Michael Falk at al. | University of Wuerzburg
Published in 2011, 364 pages
328. Logic for Computer Scientists
Uli Furbach | Wikibooks
Published in 2010
329. Plane Geometry
George Wentworth, David E. Smith | Ginn and Company
Published in 1913, 304 pages
330. Differential Calculus
Pierre Schapira | Université Paris VI
Published in 2011, 60 pages
331. Statistics
Philip B. Stark | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2011
332. Arimaa
| Wikibooks
Published in 2011
333. A History Of The Mathematical Theory Of Probability
I. Todhunter | Kessinger Publishing, LLC
Published in 2007, 640 pages
334. Applied Analysis
J. Hunter, B. Nachtergaele | World Scientific Publishing Company
Published in 2005, 439 pages
335. Practical Mathematics
A.H. Bell | Blackie And Son Limited
Published in 1919, 356 pages
336. Stacks Project
Johan de Jong, et al. |
Published in 2012, 3428 pages
337. Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Ola Bratteli, Derek W. Robinson | Springer
Published in 2003, 505 pages
338. Lectures on Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic and Contact Geometry
Chris Wendl | arXiv
Published in 2010, 153 pages
339. Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Farshid Hajir | University of Massachusetts
Published in 2005, 69 pages
340. Notes on Differential Geometry
Noel J. Hicks | Van Nostrand
Published in 1965, 183 pages
341. The Continuum and Other Types of Serial Order
Edward V. Huntington | Dover Publications
Published in 1917, 90 pages
342. Notes on Harmonic Analysis
George Benthien |
Published in 2006, 74 pages
343. Synthetic Differential Geometry
Anders Kock | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2006, 241 pages
344. Manifolds of Differentiable Mappings
Peter W. Michor | Birkhauser
Published in 1980, 165 pages
345. Lectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems
Bertrand Mercier | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1979, 177 pages
346. Groupoids and Smarandache Groupoids
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 115 pages
347. Analytic Combinatorics
Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 822 pages
348. Notes on Differential Equations
Bob Terrell |
Published in 2005, 99 pages
349. Tight and Taut Submanifolds
Thomas E. Cecil, Shiing-shen Chern | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1997, 349 pages
350. Real Functions in One Variable: Calculus 1a
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2006, 146 pages
351. First Course in Statistics
D Caradog Jones | G Bell
Published in 1921, 288 pages
352. Conic Sections Treated Geometrically
W. H. Besant | George Bell and Sons
Published in 1895, 367 pages
353. The Contraction Mapping Principle and Some Applications
Robert M. Brooks, Klaus Schmitt | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2009, 90 pages
354. Nonstandard Analysis in Topology
Sergio Salbany, Todor Todorov | arXiv
Published in 2011, 48 pages
355. An Introduction to Microlocal Analysis
Richard B. Melrose, Gunther Uhlmann | MIT
Published in 2008, 182 pages
356. First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty
David Ramsay Hay | W. Blackwood and sons
Published in 1846, 305 pages
357. The Mathemagician and Pied Puzzler: A Collection in Tribute to Martin Gardner
Martin Gardner, at al. | AK Peters
Published in 1999, 251 pages
358. Real Analysis
A. M. Bruckner, J. B. Bruckner, B. S. Thomson | Prentice Hall
Published in 1997, 713 pages
359. Elementary Number Theory
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2003
360. Elements of Applied Mathematics
Cobb Herbert E. | Ginn and Company
Published in 1911, 292 pages
361. Projective and Polar Spaces
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary College
Published in 1991, 147 pages
362. Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | CuArt
Published in 2009, 469 pages
363. Engineering Analysis
| Wikibooks
Published in 2012, 193 pages
364. Introduction to Modal Logic
Gary Hardegree | UMass Amherst
Published in 2009
365. Topology Without Tears
Sidney A. Morris |
Published in 2007, 373 pages
366. History of Modern Mathematics
David Eugene Smith | Columbia University
Published in 1906, 75 pages
367. Surveys in Noncommutative Geometry
Nigel Higson, John Roe | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 208 pages
368. Lectures on Expansion Techniques In Algebraic Geometry
S.S. Abhyankar | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1977, 169 pages
369. An introductory course in differential geometry and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem
Paul Loya | Binghamton University
Published in 2005, 137 pages
370. Smooth Numbers: Computational Number Theory and Beyond
Andrew Granville | Universite de Montreal
Published in 2008, 58 pages
371. Theory of Symmetry and Ornament
Slavik V. Jablan | Matematicki Institut
Published in 1995, 331 pages
372. Temporal Networks
Petter Holme, Jari Saramäki | arXiv
Published in 2011, 25 pages
373. Notes on the Science of Logic
Nuel Belnap | University of Pittsburgh
Published in 2009, 227 pages
374. Lectures on Quadratic Forms
C.L. Siegel | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1957, 170 pages
375. Higher Mathematics for Students of Chemistry and Physics
Joseph William Mellor | Longmans, Green
Published in 1902, 580 pages
376. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Bertrand Russell | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Published in 2009, 181 pages
377. Dynamics in One Complex Variable
John Milnor | Princeton University Press
Published in 1991, 146 pages
378. Semi-Riemann Geometry and General Relativity
Shlomo Sternberg |
Published in 2003, 251 pages
379. Invitation to Dynamical Systems
Edward R. Scheinerman | Prentice Hall College Div
Published in 1995, 384 pages
380. Basic Linear Algebra
Andrew Baker | University of Glasgow
Published in 2008, 73 pages
381. College Algebra
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 352 pages
382. Interval Groupoids
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, M. K. Chetry | arXiv
Published in 2010, 240 pages
383. Philosophy and Fun of Algebra
Mary Everest Boole | C. W. Daniel
Published in 1891, 56 pages
384. Beyond partial differential equations: A course on linear and quasi-linear abstract hyperbolic evolution equations
Horst R. Beyer | arXiv
Published in 2011, 275 pages
385. Elementary Algebra
Denny Burzynski, Wade Ellis | Saunders College Publishing
Published in 1989, 544 pages
386. Notes on the course Algebraic Topology
Boris Botvinnik | University of Oregon
Published in 2010, 175 pages
387. Pluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functions
Charles Ashbacher | American Research Press
Published in 1998, 80 pages
388. Sets, Relations, Functions
Ivo Düntsch, Günther Gediga | Methodos Publishers (UK)
Published in 2000, 55 pages
389. A First Course in Elementary Differential Equations
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2006, 213 pages
390. Lectures on Topics In The Theory of Infinite Groups
B.H. Neumann | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1960, 200 pages
391. Statistical Theory
Rachel Fewster | University of Auckland
Published in 2009, 199 pages
392. Mathematical Analysis II
Elias Zakon | The TrilliaGroup
Published in 2009, 436 pages
393. Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
A. M. Mood, F. A. Graybill, D. C. Boes | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1974, 577 pages
394. Recreations in Mathematics
H E. Licks | D. Van Nostrand Company
Published in 1917, 163 pages
395. Entropy and Partial Differential Equations
Lawrence C. Evans | UC Berkeley
Published in 2003, 213 pages
396. Lectures on Numerical Analysis
Dennis Deturck, Herbert S. Wilf | University of Pennsylvania
Published in 2002, 125 pages
397. Lectures on Algebraic Groups
Alexander Kleshchev | University of Oregon
Published in 2005, 166 pages
398. Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Jorgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin | Springer
Published in 2002, 772 pages
399. Valuations and Hyperbolicity in Dynamics
Thomas Ward | University of East Anglia
Published in 2001, 58 pages
400. Multivariable Calculus: Applications and Theory
Kenneth Kuttler | Brigham Young University
Published in 2011, 466 pages
401. Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for Linguistics
Marcus Kracht | UCLA
Published in 2005, 137 pages
402. An Introduction to Quantum Chaos
Mason A. Porter | arXiv
Published in 2001, 57 pages
403. H Ring Spectra and Their Applications
R. R. Bruner, J. P. May, J. E. McClure, M. Steinberger | Springer
Published in 1986, 400 pages
404. Theory of Groups of Finite Order
William Burnside | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1897, 456 pages
405. Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
Ivan S. Sokolnikoff | McGraw Hill
Published in 1941, 537 pages
406. Exterior Differential Systems and Euler-Lagrange Partial Differential Equations
R. Bryant, P. Griffiths, D. Grossman | University Of Chicago Press
Published in 2008, 219 pages
407. Singularities of Transition Processes in Dynamical Systems
Alexander N. Gorban | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2004, 55 pages
408. Introduction to Probability
Davar Khoshnevisan, Firas Rassoul-Agha | University of Utah
Published in 2012, 269 pages
409. Natural Product Xn on matrices
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache | arXiv
Published in 2012, 342 pages
410. The Mathematics of Investment
William L.Hart | D.C Heath and Company
Published in 1924, 321 pages
411. Lectures on Mean Periodic Functions
J.P. Kahane | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1959, 165 pages
412. A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wolfgang Rautenberg | Springer
Published in 2009, 131 pages
413. A Short Course on Approximation Theory
N. L. Carothers | Bowling Green State University
Published in 2009, 159 pages
414. Linear Functional Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
415. Medians and Means in Riemannian Geometry: Existence, Uniqueness and Computation
M. Arnaudon, F. Barbaresco, L. Yang | arXiv
Published in 2011, 48 pages
416. Collaborative Statistics
Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean | Illowsky Publising
Published in 2008, 611 pages
417. Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory
B. Eckmann | Springer
Published in 1969, 304 pages
418. A Course of Modern Analysis
E. T. Whittaker, G. N. Watson | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1927, 616 pages
419. An Introduction to Probability and Random Processes
Gian-Carlo Rota, Kenneth Baclawski |
Published in 1979, 467 pages
420. On Some of Smarandache's Problems
Krassimir Atanassov | Erhus Univ Pr
Published in 1999, 89 pages
421. Probability and Statistics
Published in 2012
422. Calculus Without Limits
John C. Sparks | Sparrow Hawk Treasures
Published in 2008, 344 pages
423. Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems
A. Volpert, V. Volpert, V. Volpert | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2000, 448 pages
424. The Air Force Brain Booster Book
John C. Sparks | Air Force Publication
Published in 2006, 58 pages
425. Symbolic Logic
Lewis Carroll | Macmillan and co
Published in 1897
426. Elementary Theory of Numbers
Waclaw Sierpinski | ICM
Published in 1964, 516 pages
427. Reader-friendly Introduction to the Measure Theory
Vasily Nekrasov | Yetanotherquant.de
Published in 2009
428. Elementary Abstract Algebra
W. Edwin Clark | University of South Florida
Published in 2001, 105 pages
429. Interactive Real Analysis
Bert G. Wachsmuth | Seton Hall University
Published in 2007
430. Introduction to Homological Geometry
Martin A. Guest | arXiv
Published in 2001
431. Yet Another Calculus Text
Dan Sloughter |
Published in 2007, 147 pages
432. Geometry Unbound
Kiran S. Kedlaya |
Published in 2006, 142 pages
433. Lectures on a Method in the Theory of Exponential Sums
M. Jutila | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1987, 134 pages
434. Elementary Analytic Functions: Complex Functions Theory a-1
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 145 pages
435. Homogeneous Spaces and Equivariant Embeddings
Dmitri A. Timashev | arXiv
Published in 2006, 250 pages
436. Set Linear Algebra and Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2008, 345 pages
437. Course of Analytical Geometry
Ruslan Sharipov | UFA
Published in 2011, 226 pages
438. Dave's Short Course in Trigonometry
David E. Joyce | Clark University
Published in 2002
439. Advanced Geometry for High Schools: Synthetic and Analytical
A.H. McDougall | Copp, Clark
Published in 1919, 236 pages
440. The Foundations of Geometry
David Hilbert | Project Gutenberg
Published in 1902, 101 pages
441. Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Alexander Kirillov, Jr. | SUNY at Stony Brook
Published in 2010, 136 pages
442. Determinantal Rings
Winfried Bruns, Udo Vetter | Springer
Published in 1988, 244 pages
443. Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer
Claudius Gros | arXiv
Published in 2008, 276 pages
444. Operators on Hilbert Space
John Erdos | King's College London
Published in 2004, 52 pages
445. Numerical Solutions of Engineering Problems
K. Nandakumar | University of Alberta
Published in 1998, 193 pages
446. Lectures on Introduction to Algebraic Topology
G. de Rham | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1969, 71 pages
447. Calculus for Beginners and Artists
Daniel Kleitman | MIT
Published in 2009
448. Calculus, Applications and Theory
Kenneth Kuttler |
Published in 2008, 912 pages
449. Logic for Computer Science
Jean H. Gallier | Longman Higher Education
Published in 1986, 528 pages
450. An Episodic History of Mathematics
Steven G. Krantz | Mathematical Association of America
Published in 2006, 483 pages
451. Topics in Random Matrix Theory
Terence Tao |
Published in 2011, 340 pages
452. Determinants and Matrices
R. Kochendörfer | Teubner
Published in 1961
453. Abstract Algebra
John A. Beachy, William D. Blair | Waveland
Published in 2006, 484 pages
454. Iterative Methods for Optimization
C.T. Kelley | Society for Industrial Mathematics
Published in 1987, 188 pages
455. generatingfunctionology
Herbert S. Wilf | A K Peters, Ltd.
Published in 2006, 245 pages
456. Lectures on Deformations of Singularities
Michael Artin | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 110 pages
457. Optimal Stopping and Applications
Thomas S. Ferguson | UCLA
Published in 2008
458. Notes on Basic 3-Manifold Topology
Allen Hatcher |
Published in 2000, 61 pages
459. Probability: Theory and Examples
Rick Durrett | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2010, 372 pages
460. Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods
John P. Boyd | Dover Publications
Published in 2001, 611 pages
461. Harmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura Varieties
J. Arthur, D. Ellwood, R. Kottwitz | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2005, 706 pages
462. Set Theoretic Real Analysis
Krzysztof Ciesielski | Heldermann Verlag
Published in 1997, 48 pages
463. Model Theory, Algebra and Geometry
D. Haskell, A. Pillay, C. Steinhorn | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2000, 227 pages
464. Everything you wanted to know about Data Analysis and Fitting
Peter Young | arXiv
Published in 2012, 55 pages
465. Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra
V. Dolotin, A. Morozov | arXiv
Published in 2008, 141 pages
466. Functions Modeling Change: A Precalculus Course
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2003, 239 pages
467. Introduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian Geometry
Ana Cannas da Silva |
Published in 2007, 158 pages
468. Music: A Mathematical Offering
Dave Benson | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2006, 530 pages
469. An Introduction to Algebraic Surgery
Andrew Ranicki | arXiv
Published in 2000, 82 pages
470. Real Analysis for Graduate Students: Measure and Integration Theory
Richard F. Bass | CreateSpace
Published in 2011, 206 pages
471. The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 624 pages
472. Lectures on Semi-group Theory and its Application to Cauchy's Problem in Partial Differential Equations
K. Yosida | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1957, 160 pages
473. Geometry of Surfaces
Nigel Hitchin |
Published in 2004
474. Elementary Topology
O. Ya. Viro, O. A. Ivanov, N. Yu. Netsvetaev, V. M. Kharlamov | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2008, 400 pages
475. Mathematical Physics II
Boris Dubrovin | SISSA
Published in 2008, 78 pages
476. The Life of Pi: From Archimedes to Eniac and Beyond
Jonathan M. Borwein | DocServer
Published in 2010, 29 pages
477. Stochastic Analysis - Notes
I. F. Wilde |
Published in 2009, 103 pages
478. Notes on Differential Geometry
Matt Visser | Victoria University of Wellington
Published in 2011, 246 pages
479. The Calculus
William V. Smith | Brigham Young University
Published in 2001
480. Algebraic Methods
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University
Published in 2010, 129 pages
481. Theory of the Integral
Stanislaw Saks | Polish Mathematical Society
Published in 1937, 347 pages
482. New Directions in Hopf Algebras
S. Montgomery, H. Schneider | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2002, 485 pages
483. An Introduction to Gaussian Geometry
Sigmundur Gudmundsson | Lund University
Published in 2009, 75 pages
484. Smarandache Rings
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 222 pages
485. Amusements in Mathematics
Henry Ernest Dudeney | Nelson
Published in 1917, 280 pages
486. Super Special Codes using Super Matrices
W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K.Ilanthenral | arXiv
Published in 2010, 161 pages
487. An informal introduction to the ideas and concepts of noncommutative geometry
Thierry Masson | arXiv
Published in 2006, 56 pages
488. Group Theory: Birdtracks, Lie's, and Exceptional Groups
Predrag Cvitanovic | Princeton University Press
Published in 2008, 285 pages
489. Stochastic Calculus
Alan Bain |
Published in 2008, 99 pages
490. Jordan Operator Algebras
Harald Hanche-Olsen, Erling Størmer | Pitman
Published in 1984, 216 pages
491. Probability Theory: The Logic of Science
E. T. Jaynes | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2002, 758 pages
492. Differential Topology
Bjorn Ian Dundas | Johns Hopkins University
Published in 2002, 183 pages
493. Introduction to Randomness and Statistics
Alexander K. Hartmann | arXiv
Published in 2009, 95 pages
494. Discrete Distributions
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 72 pages
495. Mathematical Tools for Physics
James Nearing | Dover Publications
Published in 2010, 569 pages
496. Integral Calculus
Leah Edelstein-Keshet | University of British Columbia
Published in 2010, 267 pages
497. n-Linear Algebra of Type I and Its Applications
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2008, 120 pages
498. A Treatise on the Theory of Invariants
Oliver E. Glenn | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2006, 221 pages
499. Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry
Jean-Pierre Demailly | Universite de Grenoble
Published in 2007, 571 pages
500. Partial Differential Equations for Finance
Robert V. Kohn | New York University
Published in 2003
Ivan F. Wilde | King's College, London
Published in 2010, 129 pages
002. Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook
Christopher C. Tisdell | BookBoon
Published in 2012, 114 pages
003. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
Elmer A. Lyman, Edwin C. Goddard | Allyn and Bacon
Published in 1900, 157 pages
004. The Millennium Prize Problems
J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, A. Wiles | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 139 pages
005. The Calculus Of Finite Differences
L. M. Milne Thomson | Macmillan and co
Published in 1933, 590 pages
006. Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data
Hugh D. Young | McGraw Hill
Published in 1962
007. Algebraic Geometry over the Complex Numbers
Donu Arapura | Purdue University
Published in 2009, 234 pages
008. Mathematics for Engineers
William Neville Rose | Chapman
Published in 1922
009. Topics in dynamics I: Flows
Edward Nelson | Princeton University Press
Published in 1969, 122 pages
010. Jacobi Operators and Complete Integrable Nonlinear Lattices
Gerald Teschl | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1999, 369 pages
011. Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives
Alain Connes, Matilde Marcolli | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2007, 705 pages
012. A Course of Pure Mathematics
G.H. Hardy | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1921, 476 pages
013. Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry
Herbert Clemens, János Kollár | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1996, 172 pages
014. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid
John Casey, Euclid | Longmans, Green, and Co.
Published in 1885, 233 pages
015. Elementary Algebra
John Redden | Flat World Knowledge
Published in 2011
016. Robust Geometric Computation
Kurt Mehlhorn, Chee Yap | New York University
Published in 2004
017. A Sampler of Riemann-Finsler Geometry
D. Bao, R. Bryant, S. Chern, Z. Shen | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 376 pages
018. Real Functions in One Variable: Examples of Integrals
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2007, 154 pages
019. Distribution Theory (Generalized Functions)
Ivan F Wilde |
Published in 2005, 66 pages
020. The CRing Project: a collaborative open source textbook on commutative algebra
Shishir Agrawal, et al. | CRing Project
Published in 2011, 493 pages
021. From D-modules to Deformation Quantization Modules
Pierre Schapira | UPMC
Published in 2012, 89 pages
022. A Course in Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver | University of Amsterdam
Published in 2012, 221 pages
023. Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics
Richard Lowry |
Published in 2008
024. Functional Analysis Lecture Notes
T.B. Ward | University of East Anglia
Published in 2001, 73 pages
025. Abelian Categories: an Introduction to the Theory of Functors
Peter Freyd | Harper and Row
Published in 1964, 192 pages
026. Symbolic Logic: A First Course
Gary Hardegree | Mcgraw-Hill College
Published in 1999, 468 pages
027. A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic
Stefan Bilaniuk |
Published in 2003, 166 pages
028. Harmonic Analysis
Russell Brown | University of Kentucky
Published in 2009, 191 pages
029. Elementary Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos in Dissipative Systems
Bai-Lin Hao | World Scientific
Published in 1989, 475 pages
030. Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity
Giampiero Esposito | arXiv
Published in 1999, 229 pages
031. Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90
William H. Press, at al. | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1996, 500 pages
032. Geometric Wave Equations
Stefan Waldmann | arXiv
Published in 2012, 279 pages
033. Homeomorphisms in Analysis
Casper Goffman, at al. | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 216 pages
034. Computer analysis of number sequences
Henry Ibstedt | American Research Press
Published in 1998, 86 pages
035. Elementary Mathematics
W W L Chen, X T Duong | Macquarie University
Published in 1999
036. A Century of Mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Richard A. Askey | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1988
037. Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and the Hecke Algebra
David M. Goldschmidt | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1993, 73 pages
038. Differential Equations
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 504 pages
039. Applied Mathematical Programming
S. Bradley, A. Hax, T. Magnanti | Addison-Wesley
Published in 1977, 716 pages
040. Super Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | InfoQuest
Published in 2008, 293 pages
041. A Basic Course in Applied Mathematics
J. Bystrom, L. Persson, F. Stromberg | Lulea University of Technology
Published in 2010
042. Geometry of Four Dimensions
Parker Manning Henry | The MacMillan Company
Published in 1914, 378 pages
043. Stochastic Integration and Stochastic Differential Equations
Klaus Bichteler | University of Texas
Published in 2002, 643 pages
044. Cusps of Gauss Mappings
Thomas Banchoff, Terence Gaffney, Clint McCrory | Pitman Advanced Pub. Program
Published in 1982, 88 pages
045. Mathematical Methods
Mihir Sen, Joseph M. Powers | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2010, 432 pages
046. Vector Analysis
Gibbs, J. Willard | Yale University Press
Published in 1929, 432 pages
047. Non-Euclidean Geometry
Henry Manning | Ginn and Company
Published in 1901, 93 pages
048. An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
Sigmundur Gudmundsson | Lund University
Published in 2010, 106 pages
049. Lectures on Disintegration of Measures
L. Schwartz | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 139 pages
050. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity
Stefan Waner |
Published in 2005, 138 pages
051. Design of Comparative Experiments
R. A. Bailey | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 348 pages
052. Multivariable Calculus
Jerry Shurman | Reed College
Published in 2010, 487 pages
053. Lectures on Random Polymers
F. Caravenna, F. den Hollander, N. Petrelis | arXiv
Published in 2011, 74 pages
054. The Radon Transform
Sigurdur Helgason | Birkhauser Boston
Published in 1999, 196 pages
055. CK-12 Algebra I
Andrew Gloag, Anne Gloag | CK-12 Foundation
Published in 2010, 825 pages
056. Lectures On Unique Factorization Domains
P. Samuel | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1964, 68 pages
057. Prerequisites in Algebraic Topology
Bjorn Ian Dundas | NTNU
Published in 2005, 55 pages
058. Lectures on Calabi-Yau and Special Lagrangian Geometry
Dominic Joyce | arXiv
Published in 2002, 58 pages
059. Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces
Ralph Howard | Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Published in 1994, 108 pages
060. Analysis Tools with Applications
Bruce K. Driver | Springer
Published in 2003, 790 pages
061. Algebra I
| CK-12 Foundation
Published in 2009, 992 pages
062. Lectures on Torus Embeddings and Applications
Tadao Oda | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 158 pages
063. An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics
William Elwood Byerly | Ginn and company
Published in 1893, 309 pages
064. Functional Analysis
Feng Tian, Palle E.T. Jorgensen | arXiv
Published in 2010, 98 pages
065. Semi-classical analysis
Victor Guillemin, Shlomo Sternberg | Harvard University
Published in 2012, 488 pages
066. Topics in Finite Geometry: Ovals, Ovoids and Generalized Quadrangles
S. E. Payne | University of Colorado Denver
Published in 2007, 945 pages
067. Existence, multiplicity, perturbation, and concentration results for a class of quasi-linear elliptic problems
Marco Squassina | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Published in 2006, 213 pages
068. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics
W. W. Rouse Ball | Dover Publications
Published in 1960, 466 pages
069. A Mathematics Primer for Physics Graduate Students
Andrew E. Blechman |
Published in 2007, 78 pages
070. Algorithmic Number Theory
J.P. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 662 pages
071. Mathematics for Computer Science
Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton, Albert R Meyer | MIT
Published in 2010, 556 pages
072. Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
Jiří Lebl | Lulu.com
Published in 2009, 252 pages
073. The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers
Legh Wilber Reid | The Macmillan company
Published in 1910, 488 pages
074. Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: An Integrated System in Basic
John C. Nash | Marcel Dekker Inc
Published in 1995, 493 pages
075. A Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics
William F. White | The Open Court Publishing Company
Published in 1908, 234 pages
076. Abstract Algebra I
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2004
077. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
Yousef Saad | PWS
Published in 1996
078. Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras
Iain Gordon | University of Edinburgh
Published in 2009, 55 pages
079. Basic Mathematics
Thomas Ward | UEA
Published in 2003, 23 pages
080. Categorical Geometry
Zhaohua Luo |
Published in 1998
081. Algebraic Logic
H. Andreka, I. Nemeti, I. Sain |
Published in 2003, 129 pages
082. Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 2: Vector and Tensor Analysis
Ray M. Bowen, C.-C. Wang |
Published in 2008, 246 pages
083. Elementary Calculus
Frederick S Woods, Frederick H Bailey | Ginn and Company
Published in 1922, 323 pages
084. Algorithmic Graph Theory
David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, Nathann Cohen | Google Code
Published in 2010, 105 pages
085. Tabletop: Analog Game Design
Greg Costikyan, Drew Davidson |
Published in 2011, 206 pages
086. The Elements Of Non-Euclidean Geometry
Julian Lowell Coolidge | Oxford At The Clarendon Press
Published in 1909, 282 pages
087. An Introduction to Category Theory in Four Easy Movements
A. Schalk, H. Simmons | Manchester University
Published in 2005, 197 pages
088. Calculus Made Easy
Silvanus P. Thompson | The MacMillan Company
Published in 1914, 315 pages
089. Mathematical Measures, Mathematical Pleasures, Mathematical Treasures
Stephen Clark | Lulu.com
Published in 2008, 48 pages
090. A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics
Joseph Fields | Southern Connecticut State University
Published in 2009, 428 pages
091. Introduction to Linear Bialgebra
W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | arXiv
Published in 2005, 238 pages
092. Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
J. E. Goodman, J. Pach, E. Welzl | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2007, 616 pages
093. A Topology Primer
Klaus Wirthmüller | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Published in 2002, 197 pages
094. Notes on Linear Algebra
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary, University of London
Published in 2008, 124 pages
095. Lectures on Some Aspects of p-Adic Analysis
F. Bruhat | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1963, 147 pages
096. Basics of Algebra and Analysis For Computer Science
Jean Gallier |
Published in 2007, 254 pages
097. First Book in General Mathematics
Frank S. Pugh | P.P. Simmons
Published in 1917, 285 pages
098. Lectures on Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
John Cea | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 237 pages
099. Elementary Textbook on the Calculus
Virgil Snyder | Cornell University Library
Published in 1912, 388 pages
100. Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Evans M. Harrell II |
Published in 2000
101. The Theory of Numbers
R. D. Carmichael | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1914, 85 pages
102. Inside Out: Inverse Problems and Applications
Gunther Uhlmann | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2003, 400 pages
103. Handbook of Engineering Mathematics
Walter E. Wynne, William Spraragen | Van Nostrand
Published in 1916, 246 pages
104. Introduction to the Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations
Michael F. Singer | arXiv
Published in 2008, 83 pages
105. Notes on Symmetric Spaces
Jonathan Holland, Bogdan Ion | arXiv
Published in 2012, 109 pages
106. Mathematics of Modality
Robert Goldblatt | CSLI Publications
Published in 1993, 288 pages
107. Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
Henri Darmon, Shou-Wu Zhang | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 382 pages
108. Applied Nonparametric Regression
Wolfgang Härdle | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1992, 433 pages
109. Several Complex Variables
Michael Schneider, Yum-Tong Siu | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1999, 564 pages
110. Lectures on Topics in Stochastic Differential Equations
Daniel W. Stroock | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1982, 93 pages
111. Lectures On Old And New Results On Algebraic Curves
P. Samuel | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1966, 99 pages
112. Lie Groups in Physics
G. 't Hooft, M. J. G. Veltman | Utrecht University
Published in 2007, 75 pages
113. Numerical Methods For Time Dependent Equations
P. Lascaux | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 162 pages
114. Geometric Topology: Localization, Periodicity and Galois Symmetry
Dennis Sullivan | Springer
Published in 2005, 296 pages
115. Multivariable and Vector Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
116. Exotic Homology Manifolds
Frank Quinn, Andrew Ranicki |
Published in 2006, 158 pages
117. A defense of Columbo: A multilevel introduction to probabilistic reasoning
G. D'Agostini | arXiv
Published in 2010, 60 pages
118. Lectures on The Finite Element Method
Ph. Ciarlet | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1975, 145 pages
119. Matrix Analysis
Steven J Cox | Rice University
Published in 2012, 98 pages
120. Fourier Series and Systems of Differential Equations and Eigenvalue Problems
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2007, 125 pages
121. Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2007, 302 pages
122. Lectures on Sieve Methods
H.E. Richert | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 216 pages
123. Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, at al. | Automaton
Published in 2007, 352 pages
124. Representation Theory of Compact Groups
Michael Ruzhansky, Ville Turunen | Aalto TKK
Published in 2008, 135 pages
125. Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
R. E. Showalter | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 278 pages
126. Proof, Sets, and Logic
M. Randall Holmes | Boise State University
Published in 2009, 207 pages
127. Applied Mathematics by Example
Jeremy Pickles | BookBoon
Published in 2010
128. Basic Category Theory
Jaap van Oosten | University of Utrecht
Published in 2007, 88 pages
129. Pictures of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets
| Wikibooks
Published in 2010
130. An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions
George M. Bergman | Henry Helson
Published in 1998, 398 pages
131. Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering
John H. Mathews, Russell W. Howell | Jones & Bartlett Learning
Published in 2006, 633 pages
132. Algebra for Beginners
James Loudon | Copp, Clark & Co
Published in 1876, 172 pages
133. Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis
Ruslan Sharipov | Samizdat Press
Published in 2004, 47 pages
134. Linear Algebra for Informatics
José Figueroa-O'Farrill | The University of Edinburgh
Published in 2005
135. Neutral and Non-Euclidean Geometries
David C. Royster | UNC Charlotte
Published in 2000, 145 pages
136. scl
Danny Calegari | Mathematical Society of Japan
Published in 2009, 218 pages
137. Lectures on Curves on Rational and Unirational Surfaces
Masayoshi Miyanishi | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 267 pages
138. Spherical Trigonometry
I. Todhunter | Macmillan and co
Published in 1886, 189 pages
139. Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Autar K Kaw | University of South Florida
Published in 2002
140. Numbers and Symbols: From Counting to Abstract Algebras
Roy McWeeny | Learning Development Institute
Published in 2007, 53 pages
141. Applied Finite Mathematics
Rupinder Sekhon | Connexions
Published in 2011, 347 pages
142. Lectures on Siegel's Modular Functions
H. Maass | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1955, 286 pages
143. Mathematical Principals of Dynamic Systems and the Foundations of Quantum Physics
Eric Tesse | arXiv
Published in 2011, 87 pages
144. Introductory Mathematical Analysis
W.P. Webber, L.C. Plant | John Wiley & sons
Published in 1919, 332 pages
145. Introduction to Evolution Equations in Geometry
Bianca Santoro | arXiv
Published in 2012, 91 pages
146. Essentials of Statistics: Exercises
David Brink | BookBoon
Published in 2008, 58 pages
147. Mathematics at the Edge of the Rational Universe
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008, 115 pages
148. Advanced Topics in Probability
S.R.S. Varadhan | New York University
Published in 2011
149. Intuitionistic Logic
Nick Bezhanishvili, Dick de Jongh | Universiteit van Amsterdam
Published in 2010, 57 pages
150. Elementary Set Theory with a Universal Set
Randall Holmes |
Published in 2005, 240 pages
151. Computational Mathematics for Differential Equations
N. V. Kopchenova, I. A. Maron |
Published in 1975
152. Natural Topology
Frank Waaldijk | arXiv
Published in 2012, 174 pages
153. Lectures on Forms of Higher Degree
J.I. Igusa | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1978, 169 pages
154. Lectures on Riemann Matrices
C.L. Siegel | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1963, 101 pages
155. Lie groups and Lie algebras
N. Reshetikhin, V. Serganova, R. Borcherds | UC Berkeley
Published in 2007, 199 pages
156. Workbook in Higher Algebra
David Surowski |
Published in 1992, 194 pages
157. Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis: Functions of One Real Variable
N. J. Lennes | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1907, 225 pages
158. Graphical Calculus
Arthur Henry Barker | Longmans, Green, and Co.
Published in 1896, 188 pages
159. Foundations of Mathematics
Stephen G. Simpson | Pennsylvania State University
Published in 2008, 123 pages
160. Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves
J. E. Cremona | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1992, 351 pages
161. Introduction to Groups, Invariants and Particles
Frank W. K. Firk | Orange Grove Texts Plus
Published in 2000, 162 pages
162. Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems
Mark Pinsky, Bjorn Birnir | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2007, 428 pages
163. The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems
Francis Sowerby Macaulay | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1916, 140 pages
164. Graph Theory With Applications
J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty | Elsevier Science Ltd
Published in 1976, 270 pages
165. The Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces
Jean Gallier, Dianna Xu |
Published in 2009, 134 pages
166. An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Mechanics and Relativity
Leonor Godinho, Jose Natario |
Published in 2004, 272 pages
167. A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
Robert B. Ash | University of Illinois
Published in 2003
168. Algebraic L-theory and Topological Manifolds
A. A. Ranicki | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2011, 365 pages
169. Symplectic Reflection Algebras
Gwyn Bellamy | arXiv
Published in 2012, 64 pages
170. Differential Geometry in Physics
Gabriel Lugo | University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Published in 2006, 61 pages
171. Very Basic Noncommutative Geometry
Masoud Khalkhali | University of Western Ontario
Published in 2004, 104 pages
172. The Calculus Integral
Brian S. Thomson | ClassicalRealAnalysis.com
Published in 2010, 303 pages
173. Algebraic Tools for Modal Logic
Mai Gehrke, Yde Venema | ESSLLI
Published in 2001, 109 pages
174. Algebraic Number Theory and Class Field Theory
Holden Lee | MIT
Published in 2012, 341 pages
175. The Chaos Hypertextbook
Glenn Elert |
Published in 2007
176. Galois Theory
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2009, 86 pages
177. Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver |
Published in 2012, 64 pages
178. Logics of Time and Computation
Robert Goldblatt | Center for the Study of Language
Published in 1992, 200 pages
179. The Principles Of Mathematics
Bertrand Russell | W. W. Norton & Company
, 579 pages
180. Essential Mathematics
Franco Vivaldi |
Published in 2006, 74 pages
181. Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers
Allen B. Downey | Green Tea Press
Published in 2011, 122 pages
182. Functional Analysis
Gerald Teschl | University of Vienna
Published in 2009, 142 pages
183. Trigonometry Notes
Steven Sy | Michigan State University
Published in 2008, 448 pages
184. Algebraic Geometry
Andreas Gathmann | University of Kaiserslautern
Published in 2003, 214 pages
185. Preparing for College Physics
David Murdock | TTU
Published in 2002, 64 pages
186. The Basics of Financial Mathematics
Richard F. Bass |
Published in 2003, 106 pages
187. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin A. Abbot | Seeley and Co.
Published in 1884, 120 pages
188. Practical Mathematics
Cargill Gilston Knott | Chambers
Published in 1914, 652 pages
189. Course of Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry
Ruslan Sharipov | Samizdat Press
Published in 1996, 143 pages
190. The Algebra of Logic
Louis Couturat | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2004, 102 pages
191. CDBooK: Introduction to Vassiliev Knot invariants
S.Chmutov, S.Duzhin, J.Mostovoy | Ohio State Universit
Published in 2009, 460 pages
192. Groups: Presentations and Representations
Christopher Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008, 203 pages
193. Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos
Julien C. Sprott | M & T Books
Published in 2000, 591 pages
194. Lectures on Symplectic Geometry
Ana Cannas da Silva | Springer
Published in 2006, 225 pages
195. Flavors of Geometry
Silvio Levy | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1997, 208 pages
196. Calculus for Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, and Physicists
Andrew D. Hwang | Holy Cross
Published in 1998, 487 pages
197. Introduction to Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry
U. Bruzzo |
Published in 2008, 138 pages
198. An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University
Published in 2010, 95 pages
199. Metrics on the Phase Space and Non-Selfadjoint Pseudo-Differential Operators
Nicolas Lerner | Birkhäuser
Published in 2009
200. Almost None of the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi | Carnegie Mellon University
Published in 2010, 347 pages
201. Lecture notes on C*-algebras, Hilbert C*-modules, and quantum mechanics
N.P. Landsman | arXiv
Published in 1998, 90 pages
202. Random Matrix Models and Their Applications
Pavel Bleher, Alexander Its | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2001, 438 pages
203. Symbolic Logic: A Second Course
Gary Hardegree | UMass Amherst
Published in 2003
204. Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs
Aldous, Fill | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2002
205. Solid Geometry, with Problems and Applications
H. E. Slaught, N. J. Lennes | Allyn and Bacon
Published in 1919, 242 pages
206. Calculus
H.W. March, H.C. Wolff | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1917, 388 pages
207. Vector Analysis and Quaternions
Alexander Macfarlane | John Wiley & Sons
Published in 1906, 65 pages
208. Multivariable Calculus
George Cain, James Herod |
Published in 1997
209. The Matrix Cookbook
Kaare Brandt Petersen, Michael Syskind Pedersen |
Published in 2008, 67 pages
210. An Introduction to Good Old Fashioned Model Theory
Harold Simmons | The University of Manchester
Published in 2004, 180 pages
211. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
John Douglas Moore | UCSB
Published in 2003, 169 pages
212. Introduction to Probability
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 61 pages
213. Analytic Geometry
L. P. Siceloff, G. Wentworth, D. E. Smith | Ginn and Company
Published in 1922, 296 pages
214. A First Course in Linear Algebra
Robert A. Beezer | University of Puget Sound
Published in 2010, 1035 pages
215. Linear Algebra and Matrices
Martin Fluch |
Published in 2007, 137 pages
216. The Story of Euclid
W. B. Frankland | George Newnes
Published in 1902, 183 pages
217. Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups
David Meredith | San Francisco State University
Published in 1999, 89 pages
218. Lectures on Lipschitz Analysis
Juha Heinonen |
Published in 2005, 77 pages
219. Notes on Algebraic Structures
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary, University of London
Published in 2006, 102 pages
220. Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry
Arthur Ogus | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2006, 255 pages
221. Shadows of the Truth: Metamathematics of Elementary Mathematics
Alexandre Borovik | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2010, 293 pages
222. Convex Optimization
Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2004, 730 pages
223. Topics in topology: The signature theorem and some of its applications
Liviu I. Nicolaescu | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2008, 159 pages
224. A Primer of Commutative Algebra
J.S. Milne |
Published in 2011, 75 pages
225. Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2
D. Eisenbud, D. Grayson, M. Stillman, B. Sturmfels | Springer
Published in 2001, 343 pages
226. Differential Topology
C.T.C. Wall | University of Edinburgh
Published in 1961, 207 pages
227. Linear Algebra C-2: Geometrical Vectors, Vector Spaces and Linear Maps
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 126 pages
228. Experimental Design and Analysis
Howard J. Seltman | Carnegie Mellon University
Published in 2012, 428 pages
229. Complex Manifolds and Hermitian Differential Geometry
Andrew D. Hwang | University of Toronto
Published in 1997, 113 pages
230. CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics: A Short Course
Brenda Meery | CK-12.org
Published in 2010
231. Games of No Chance 3
Michael H. Albert, Richard J. Nowakowski | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2009, 586 pages
232. The Calculus of Functions of Several Variables
Dan Sloughter | Furman University
Published in 2001, 260 pages
233. Lectures on the Mean-Value and Omega Theorems for the Riemann Zeta-Function
K. Ramachandra | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1995, 190 pages
234. Group Theory
J. S. Milne |
Published in 2009, 127 pages
235. Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Computing
Adrian Sandu | Virginia Tech
Published in 2001, 215 pages
236. Notes on Galois Theory
Mark Reeder | Boston College
Published in 2012, 66 pages
237. Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis
Edward A. Bender, S. Gill Williamson | Dover Publications
Published in 2005, 256 pages
238. Descriptive Set Theory
Yiannis N. Moschovakis | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2009, 516 pages
239. Introduction to Real Analysis
William F. Trench | Prentice Hall
Published in 2003, 583 pages
240. Advanced Calculus
Lynn H. Loomis, Shlomo Sternberg | Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Published in 1989, 592 pages
241. Notes on Fermionic Fock Space for Number Theorists
Greg W. Anderson | The University of Arizona
Published in 2000, 99 pages
242. Introduction To Finite Mathematics
J. G. Kemeny, J. L. Snell, G. L. Thompson | Prentice-Hall
Published in 1974
243. Algebraic geometry and projective differential geometry
Joseph M. Landsberg | arXiv
Published in 1998, 70 pages
244. Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
David W. Stockburger | Missouri State University
Published in 2001
245. Applied Probability
Paul E Pfeiffer | Connexions
Published in 2008, 634 pages
246. Spherical Harmonics in p Dimensions
Christopher Frye, Costas J. Efthimiou | arXiv
Published in 2012, 95 pages
247. Foundations of geometry for university students and high-school students
Ruslan Sharipov | arXiv
Published in 2007, 221 pages
248. Researches on Curves of the Second Order
George Whitehead Hearn | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2005, 64 pages
249. Lectures on Topics in Mean Periodic Functions and the Two-Radius Theorem
J. Delsarte | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1961, 151 pages
250. Notes on the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
Liviu I. Nicolaescu | University of Notre Dame
Published in 2005, 135 pages
251. Introduction to the Numerical Integration of PDEs
B. Piette | University of Durham
Published in 2004, 89 pages
252. Commutative Algebra
Keerthi Madapusi | Harvard University
Published in 2007, 177 pages
253. A Summary of Calculus
Karl Heinz Dovermann | University of Hawaii
Published in 2003, 164 pages
254. Algorithmic Algebra
Bhubaneswar Mishra | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Published in 1993, 425 pages
255. Lectures on Stochastic Analysis
Thomas G. Kurtz | University of Wisconsin
Published in 2007, 119 pages
256. Further Mathematical Methods
Niels Walet |
Published in 2002, 79 pages
257. Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory
Max Kelly | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2005, 143 pages
258. The World of Mathematics
Philipp Legner | Mathigon
Published in 2012
259. Higher-Dimensional Categories: an illustrated guide book
Eugenia Cheng, Aaron Lauda | University of Sheffield
Published in 2004, 182 pages
260. Noncompact Harmonic Manifolds
Gerhard Knieper, Norbert Peyerimhoff | arXiv
Published in 2013, 84 pages
261. Homological Conjectures
Tom Marley, Laura Lynch | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Published in 2010, 56 pages
262. Chaos: Classical and Quantum
Predrag Cvitanovic | ChaosBook.org
Published in 2008, 813 pages
263. Riemannian Geometry
Richard L. Bishop | arXiv
Published in 2013, 67 pages
264. Contact Geometry
Hansjoerg Geiges | arXiv
Published in 2004, 86 pages
265. Lectures on Shimura Varieties
A. Genestier, B.C. Ngo |
Published in 2006, 50 pages
266. Discrete Mathematics
| Wikibooks
Published in 2012
267. Symplectic Geometry of Quantum Noise
Leonid Polterovich | arXiv
Published in 2012, 57 pages
268. Engineering Mathematics with Tables
M.A. Keasey, G.A. Kline, D.A. McIlhatten | The Blakiston company
Published in 1940, 376 pages
269. Lectures On Some Fixed Point Theorems Of Functional Analysis
F.F. Bonsall | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1962, 147 pages
270. An Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction
Philip J. Koopman, Jr. | Academic Press
Published in 1990, 176 pages
271. Mixed Motives
Marc Levine | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1998, 523 pages
272. The Handbook of Essential Mathematics
John C. Sparks | Air Force Publication
Published in 2006, 205 pages
273. Continuous Distributions
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 167 pages
274. Essential Engineering Mathematics
Michael Batty | BookBoon
Published in 2011, 149 pages
275. Introduction to Stochastic Analysis
Michael Roeckner | Universitaet Bielefeld
Published in 2011, 98 pages
276. The Design of Approximation Algorithms
D. P. Williamson, D. B. Shmoys | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2010, 496 pages
277. Reversibility and Stochastic Networks
F.P. Kelly | John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Published in 1979, 233 pages
278. Universal Algebra for Computer Science
Eric G. Wagner | Wagner Mathematics
Published in 2006
279. Quantum Physics, Relativity, and Complex Spacetime
Gerald Kaiser | University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Published in 2003, 252 pages
280. Calculus
Benjamin Crowell |
Published in 2007, 138 pages
281. Honors Calculus
Frank Jones | Rice University
Published in 2004
282. Hilbert Space Methods for Partial Differential Equations
R. E. Showalter | Pitman
Published in 1994, 208 pages
283. Notes on Introductory Point-Set Topology
Allen Hatcher | Cornell University
Published in 2011, 53 pages
284. Arithmetic Duality Theorems
J.S. Milne | BookSurge Publishing
Published in 2006, 347 pages
285. Conformal Fractals: Ergodic Theory Methods
F. Przytycki, M. Urbanski | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2009, 362 pages
286. Nonstandard Analysis
J. Ponstein |
Published in 2002, 147 pages
287. Calculus I
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 586 pages
288. Languages and Machines
C. D. H. Cooper | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
289. Category Theory and Functional Programming
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson | University of St. Andrews
Published in 2012, 99 pages
290. Category Theory Lecture Notes
Daniele Turi | University of Edinburgh
Published in 2001, 61 pages
291. Lectures on Topics in Analysis
Raghavan Narasimhan | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1965, 205 pages
292. The Elements of Non-Euclidean Plane Geometry and Trigonometry
Horatio Scott Carslaw | Longmans, Green and co.
Published in 1916, 202 pages
293. Axiom: The Scientific Computation System
Richard D. Jenks, Robert S. Sutor | axiom-developer.org
Published in 2003, 1200 pages
294. Vector Analysis Notes
Matthew Hutton | matthewhutton.com
Published in 2006, 63 pages
295. A First Course of Partial Differential Equations in Physical Sciences and Engineering
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2009, 285 pages
296. Computational and Algorithmic Linear Algebra and n-Dimensional Geometry
Katta G. Murty |
Published in 2001, 554 pages
297. Lectures on Complex Analytic Manifolds
L. Schwartz | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1955, 163 pages
298. Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization
Lap Chi Lau, R. Ravi, M. Singh | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2011, 229 pages
299. Homotopy Theories and Model Categories
W. G. Dwyer, J. Spalinski | University of Notre Dame
Published in 1995, 56 pages
300. Engineering Statistics and Quality Control
Irving W. Burr | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1953
301. Correlation and Causality
David A. Kenny | John Wiley & Sons Inc
Published in 1979, 353 pages
302. Mathematical Recreations and Essays
W. W. Rouse Ball | Macmillan
Published in 1914, 506 pages
303. Isometrica: A Geometrical Introduction to Planar Crystallographic Groups
George Baloglou |
Published in 2007, 473 pages
304. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
A.J. Hildebrand | University of Illinois
Published in 2006, 197 pages
305. An Introduction to the Smarandache Function
Charles Ashbacher | Erhus Univ Pr
Published in 1995, 62 pages
306. Introduction to Stokes Structures
Claude Sabbah | arXiv
Published in 2010, 157 pages
307. Differential Topology and Morse Theory
Dirk Schuetz | University of Sheffield
Published in 2009, 96 pages
308. The Philosophy of Mathematics
Auguste Comte | Harper & brothers
Published in 1851, 276 pages
309. C*-algebras
Ivan F Wilde |
Published in 2009, 76 pages
310. Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus
K.D. Stroyan | Academic Press, Inc.
Published in 1997, 182 pages
311. The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces
J. P. May | Springer
Published in 1972, 175 pages
312. A First Course in Complex Analysis
Matthias Beck, Gerald Marchesi, Dennis Pixton | San Francisco State University
Published in 2007, 110 pages
313. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
William Anthony Granville | Ginn
Published in 1911, 493 pages
314. Stability, Riemann Surfaces, Conformal Mappings: Complex Functions Theory a-3
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 115 pages
315. Topics in the Geometric Theory of Integrable Mechanical Systems
Robert Hermann | Math Sci Press
Published in 1984, 347 pages
316. A First Course in Topology: Continuity and Dimension
John McCleary | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 210 pages
317. Real Numbers and Fascinating Fractions
N. M. Beskin |
Published in 1986
318. Handbook of Modal Logic
Patrick Blackburn, Johan van Benthem, Frank Wolter |
Published in 2006, 1260 pages
319. Higher Topos Theory
Jacob Lurie | Princeton University Press
Published in 2009, 943 pages
320. Explaining Logarithms
Dan Umbarger | Brown Books Publishing Group
Published in 2006, 112 pages
321. Surgical Methods in Rigidity
F.T. Farrell | Springer
Published in 1996, 108 pages
322. Algorithmic Mathematics
Leonard Soicher, Franco Vivaldi |
Published in 2004, 94 pages
323. Math Made a Bit Easier: Basic Math Explained in Plain English
Larry Zafran | CreateSpace
Published in 2009, 280 pages
324. Introductory Finite Difference Methods for PDEs
D. M. Causon, C. G. Mingham | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 144 pages
325. Smarandache Loops
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 129 pages
326. Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
A.D.R. Choudary, Saima Parveen, Constantin Varsan | arXiv
Published in 2010, 208 pages
327. A First Course on Time Series Analysis with SAS
Michael Falk at al. | University of Wuerzburg
Published in 2011, 364 pages
328. Logic for Computer Scientists
Uli Furbach | Wikibooks
Published in 2010
329. Plane Geometry
George Wentworth, David E. Smith | Ginn and Company
Published in 1913, 304 pages
330. Differential Calculus
Pierre Schapira | Université Paris VI
Published in 2011, 60 pages
331. Statistics
Philip B. Stark | University of California, Berkeley
Published in 2011
332. Arimaa
| Wikibooks
Published in 2011
333. A History Of The Mathematical Theory Of Probability
I. Todhunter | Kessinger Publishing, LLC
Published in 2007, 640 pages
334. Applied Analysis
J. Hunter, B. Nachtergaele | World Scientific Publishing Company
Published in 2005, 439 pages
335. Practical Mathematics
A.H. Bell | Blackie And Son Limited
Published in 1919, 356 pages
336. Stacks Project
Johan de Jong, et al. |
Published in 2012, 3428 pages
337. Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Ola Bratteli, Derek W. Robinson | Springer
Published in 2003, 505 pages
338. Lectures on Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic and Contact Geometry
Chris Wendl | arXiv
Published in 2010, 153 pages
339. Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Farshid Hajir | University of Massachusetts
Published in 2005, 69 pages
340. Notes on Differential Geometry
Noel J. Hicks | Van Nostrand
Published in 1965, 183 pages
341. The Continuum and Other Types of Serial Order
Edward V. Huntington | Dover Publications
Published in 1917, 90 pages
342. Notes on Harmonic Analysis
George Benthien |
Published in 2006, 74 pages
343. Synthetic Differential Geometry
Anders Kock | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2006, 241 pages
344. Manifolds of Differentiable Mappings
Peter W. Michor | Birkhauser
Published in 1980, 165 pages
345. Lectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems
Bertrand Mercier | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1979, 177 pages
346. Groupoids and Smarandache Groupoids
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 115 pages
347. Analytic Combinatorics
Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2008, 822 pages
348. Notes on Differential Equations
Bob Terrell |
Published in 2005, 99 pages
349. Tight and Taut Submanifolds
Thomas E. Cecil, Shiing-shen Chern | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1997, 349 pages
350. Real Functions in One Variable: Calculus 1a
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2006, 146 pages
351. First Course in Statistics
D Caradog Jones | G Bell
Published in 1921, 288 pages
352. Conic Sections Treated Geometrically
W. H. Besant | George Bell and Sons
Published in 1895, 367 pages
353. The Contraction Mapping Principle and Some Applications
Robert M. Brooks, Klaus Schmitt | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2009, 90 pages
354. Nonstandard Analysis in Topology
Sergio Salbany, Todor Todorov | arXiv
Published in 2011, 48 pages
355. An Introduction to Microlocal Analysis
Richard B. Melrose, Gunther Uhlmann | MIT
Published in 2008, 182 pages
356. First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty
David Ramsay Hay | W. Blackwood and sons
Published in 1846, 305 pages
357. The Mathemagician and Pied Puzzler: A Collection in Tribute to Martin Gardner
Martin Gardner, at al. | AK Peters
Published in 1999, 251 pages
358. Real Analysis
A. M. Bruckner, J. B. Bruckner, B. S. Thomson | Prentice Hall
Published in 1997, 713 pages
359. Elementary Number Theory
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2003
360. Elements of Applied Mathematics
Cobb Herbert E. | Ginn and Company
Published in 1911, 292 pages
361. Projective and Polar Spaces
Peter J. Cameron | Queen Mary College
Published in 1991, 147 pages
362. Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | CuArt
Published in 2009, 469 pages
363. Engineering Analysis
| Wikibooks
Published in 2012, 193 pages
364. Introduction to Modal Logic
Gary Hardegree | UMass Amherst
Published in 2009
365. Topology Without Tears
Sidney A. Morris |
Published in 2007, 373 pages
366. History of Modern Mathematics
David Eugene Smith | Columbia University
Published in 1906, 75 pages
367. Surveys in Noncommutative Geometry
Nigel Higson, John Roe | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2006, 208 pages
368. Lectures on Expansion Techniques In Algebraic Geometry
S.S. Abhyankar | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Published in 1977, 169 pages
369. An introductory course in differential geometry and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem
Paul Loya | Binghamton University
Published in 2005, 137 pages
370. Smooth Numbers: Computational Number Theory and Beyond
Andrew Granville | Universite de Montreal
Published in 2008, 58 pages
371. Theory of Symmetry and Ornament
Slavik V. Jablan | Matematicki Institut
Published in 1995, 331 pages
372. Temporal Networks
Petter Holme, Jari Saramäki | arXiv
Published in 2011, 25 pages
373. Notes on the Science of Logic
Nuel Belnap | University of Pittsburgh
Published in 2009, 227 pages
374. Lectures on Quadratic Forms
C.L. Siegel | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1957, 170 pages
375. Higher Mathematics for Students of Chemistry and Physics
Joseph William Mellor | Longmans, Green
Published in 1902, 580 pages
376. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Bertrand Russell | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Published in 2009, 181 pages
377. Dynamics in One Complex Variable
John Milnor | Princeton University Press
Published in 1991, 146 pages
378. Semi-Riemann Geometry and General Relativity
Shlomo Sternberg |
Published in 2003, 251 pages
379. Invitation to Dynamical Systems
Edward R. Scheinerman | Prentice Hall College Div
Published in 1995, 384 pages
380. Basic Linear Algebra
Andrew Baker | University of Glasgow
Published in 2008, 73 pages
381. College Algebra
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University
Published in 2011, 352 pages
382. Interval Groupoids
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, M. K. Chetry | arXiv
Published in 2010, 240 pages
383. Philosophy and Fun of Algebra
Mary Everest Boole | C. W. Daniel
Published in 1891, 56 pages
384. Beyond partial differential equations: A course on linear and quasi-linear abstract hyperbolic evolution equations
Horst R. Beyer | arXiv
Published in 2011, 275 pages
385. Elementary Algebra
Denny Burzynski, Wade Ellis | Saunders College Publishing
Published in 1989, 544 pages
386. Notes on the course Algebraic Topology
Boris Botvinnik | University of Oregon
Published in 2010, 175 pages
387. Pluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functions
Charles Ashbacher | American Research Press
Published in 1998, 80 pages
388. Sets, Relations, Functions
Ivo Düntsch, Günther Gediga | Methodos Publishers (UK)
Published in 2000, 55 pages
389. A First Course in Elementary Differential Equations
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2006, 213 pages
390. Lectures on Topics In The Theory of Infinite Groups
B.H. Neumann | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1960, 200 pages
391. Statistical Theory
Rachel Fewster | University of Auckland
Published in 2009, 199 pages
392. Mathematical Analysis II
Elias Zakon | The TrilliaGroup
Published in 2009, 436 pages
393. Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
A. M. Mood, F. A. Graybill, D. C. Boes | McGraw-Hill
Published in 1974, 577 pages
394. Recreations in Mathematics
H E. Licks | D. Van Nostrand Company
Published in 1917, 163 pages
395. Entropy and Partial Differential Equations
Lawrence C. Evans | UC Berkeley
Published in 2003, 213 pages
396. Lectures on Numerical Analysis
Dennis Deturck, Herbert S. Wilf | University of Pennsylvania
Published in 2002, 125 pages
397. Lectures on Algebraic Groups
Alexander Kleshchev | University of Oregon
Published in 2005, 166 pages
398. Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Jorgen Bang-Jensen, Gregory Gutin | Springer
Published in 2002, 772 pages
399. Valuations and Hyperbolicity in Dynamics
Thomas Ward | University of East Anglia
Published in 2001, 58 pages
400. Multivariable Calculus: Applications and Theory
Kenneth Kuttler | Brigham Young University
Published in 2011, 466 pages
401. Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for Linguistics
Marcus Kracht | UCLA
Published in 2005, 137 pages
402. An Introduction to Quantum Chaos
Mason A. Porter | arXiv
Published in 2001, 57 pages
403. H Ring Spectra and Their Applications
R. R. Bruner, J. P. May, J. E. McClure, M. Steinberger | Springer
Published in 1986, 400 pages
404. Theory of Groups of Finite Order
William Burnside | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1897, 456 pages
405. Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
Ivan S. Sokolnikoff | McGraw Hill
Published in 1941, 537 pages
406. Exterior Differential Systems and Euler-Lagrange Partial Differential Equations
R. Bryant, P. Griffiths, D. Grossman | University Of Chicago Press
Published in 2008, 219 pages
407. Singularities of Transition Processes in Dynamical Systems
Alexander N. Gorban | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2004, 55 pages
408. Introduction to Probability
Davar Khoshnevisan, Firas Rassoul-Agha | University of Utah
Published in 2012, 269 pages
409. Natural Product Xn on matrices
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache | arXiv
Published in 2012, 342 pages
410. The Mathematics of Investment
William L.Hart | D.C Heath and Company
Published in 1924, 321 pages
411. Lectures on Mean Periodic Functions
J.P. Kahane | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1959, 165 pages
412. A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wolfgang Rautenberg | Springer
Published in 2009, 131 pages
413. A Short Course on Approximation Theory
N. L. Carothers | Bowling Green State University
Published in 2009, 159 pages
414. Linear Functional Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University
Published in 2008
415. Medians and Means in Riemannian Geometry: Existence, Uniqueness and Computation
M. Arnaudon, F. Barbaresco, L. Yang | arXiv
Published in 2011, 48 pages
416. Collaborative Statistics
Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean | Illowsky Publising
Published in 2008, 611 pages
417. Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory
B. Eckmann | Springer
Published in 1969, 304 pages
418. A Course of Modern Analysis
E. T. Whittaker, G. N. Watson | Cambridge University Press
Published in 1927, 616 pages
419. An Introduction to Probability and Random Processes
Gian-Carlo Rota, Kenneth Baclawski |
Published in 1979, 467 pages
420. On Some of Smarandache's Problems
Krassimir Atanassov | Erhus Univ Pr
Published in 1999, 89 pages
421. Probability and Statistics
Published in 2012
422. Calculus Without Limits
John C. Sparks | Sparrow Hawk Treasures
Published in 2008, 344 pages
423. Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems
A. Volpert, V. Volpert, V. Volpert | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2000, 448 pages
424. The Air Force Brain Booster Book
John C. Sparks | Air Force Publication
Published in 2006, 58 pages
425. Symbolic Logic
Lewis Carroll | Macmillan and co
Published in 1897
426. Elementary Theory of Numbers
Waclaw Sierpinski | ICM
Published in 1964, 516 pages
427. Reader-friendly Introduction to the Measure Theory
Vasily Nekrasov | Yetanotherquant.de
Published in 2009
428. Elementary Abstract Algebra
W. Edwin Clark | University of South Florida
Published in 2001, 105 pages
429. Interactive Real Analysis
Bert G. Wachsmuth | Seton Hall University
Published in 2007
430. Introduction to Homological Geometry
Martin A. Guest | arXiv
Published in 2001
431. Yet Another Calculus Text
Dan Sloughter |
Published in 2007, 147 pages
432. Geometry Unbound
Kiran S. Kedlaya |
Published in 2006, 142 pages
433. Lectures on a Method in the Theory of Exponential Sums
M. Jutila | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1987, 134 pages
434. Elementary Analytic Functions: Complex Functions Theory a-1
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2010, 145 pages
435. Homogeneous Spaces and Equivariant Embeddings
Dmitri A. Timashev | arXiv
Published in 2006, 250 pages
436. Set Linear Algebra and Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2008, 345 pages
437. Course of Analytical Geometry
Ruslan Sharipov | UFA
Published in 2011, 226 pages
438. Dave's Short Course in Trigonometry
David E. Joyce | Clark University
Published in 2002
439. Advanced Geometry for High Schools: Synthetic and Analytical
A.H. McDougall | Copp, Clark
Published in 1919, 236 pages
440. The Foundations of Geometry
David Hilbert | Project Gutenberg
Published in 1902, 101 pages
441. Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Alexander Kirillov, Jr. | SUNY at Stony Brook
Published in 2010, 136 pages
442. Determinantal Rings
Winfried Bruns, Udo Vetter | Springer
Published in 1988, 244 pages
443. Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer
Claudius Gros | arXiv
Published in 2008, 276 pages
444. Operators on Hilbert Space
John Erdos | King's College London
Published in 2004, 52 pages
445. Numerical Solutions of Engineering Problems
K. Nandakumar | University of Alberta
Published in 1998, 193 pages
446. Lectures on Introduction to Algebraic Topology
G. de Rham | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1969, 71 pages
447. Calculus for Beginners and Artists
Daniel Kleitman | MIT
Published in 2009
448. Calculus, Applications and Theory
Kenneth Kuttler |
Published in 2008, 912 pages
449. Logic for Computer Science
Jean H. Gallier | Longman Higher Education
Published in 1986, 528 pages
450. An Episodic History of Mathematics
Steven G. Krantz | Mathematical Association of America
Published in 2006, 483 pages
451. Topics in Random Matrix Theory
Terence Tao |
Published in 2011, 340 pages
452. Determinants and Matrices
R. Kochendörfer | Teubner
Published in 1961
453. Abstract Algebra
John A. Beachy, William D. Blair | Waveland
Published in 2006, 484 pages
454. Iterative Methods for Optimization
C.T. Kelley | Society for Industrial Mathematics
Published in 1987, 188 pages
455. generatingfunctionology
Herbert S. Wilf | A K Peters, Ltd.
Published in 2006, 245 pages
456. Lectures on Deformations of Singularities
Michael Artin | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1976, 110 pages
457. Optimal Stopping and Applications
Thomas S. Ferguson | UCLA
Published in 2008
458. Notes on Basic 3-Manifold Topology
Allen Hatcher |
Published in 2000, 61 pages
459. Probability: Theory and Examples
Rick Durrett | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2010, 372 pages
460. Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods
John P. Boyd | Dover Publications
Published in 2001, 611 pages
461. Harmonic Analysis, the Trace Formula, and Shimura Varieties
J. Arthur, D. Ellwood, R. Kottwitz | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2005, 706 pages
462. Set Theoretic Real Analysis
Krzysztof Ciesielski | Heldermann Verlag
Published in 1997, 48 pages
463. Model Theory, Algebra and Geometry
D. Haskell, A. Pillay, C. Steinhorn | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2000, 227 pages
464. Everything you wanted to know about Data Analysis and Fitting
Peter Young | arXiv
Published in 2012, 55 pages
465. Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra
V. Dolotin, A. Morozov | arXiv
Published in 2008, 141 pages
466. Functions Modeling Change: A Precalculus Course
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University
Published in 2003, 239 pages
467. Introduction to Symplectic and Hamiltonian Geometry
Ana Cannas da Silva |
Published in 2007, 158 pages
468. Music: A Mathematical Offering
Dave Benson | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2006, 530 pages
469. An Introduction to Algebraic Surgery
Andrew Ranicki | arXiv
Published in 2000, 82 pages
470. Real Analysis for Graduate Students: Measure and Integration Theory
Richard F. Bass | CreateSpace
Published in 2011, 206 pages
471. The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor | American Mathematical Society
Published in 1997, 624 pages
472. Lectures on Semi-group Theory and its Application to Cauchy's Problem in Partial Differential Equations
K. Yosida | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in 1957, 160 pages
473. Geometry of Surfaces
Nigel Hitchin |
Published in 2004
474. Elementary Topology
O. Ya. Viro, O. A. Ivanov, N. Yu. Netsvetaev, V. M. Kharlamov | American Mathematical Society
Published in 2008, 400 pages
475. Mathematical Physics II
Boris Dubrovin | SISSA
Published in 2008, 78 pages
476. The Life of Pi: From Archimedes to Eniac and Beyond
Jonathan M. Borwein | DocServer
Published in 2010, 29 pages
477. Stochastic Analysis - Notes
I. F. Wilde |
Published in 2009, 103 pages
478. Notes on Differential Geometry
Matt Visser | Victoria University of Wellington
Published in 2011, 246 pages
479. The Calculus
William V. Smith | Brigham Young University
Published in 2001
480. Algebraic Methods
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University
Published in 2010, 129 pages
481. Theory of the Integral
Stanislaw Saks | Polish Mathematical Society
Published in 1937, 347 pages
482. New Directions in Hopf Algebras
S. Montgomery, H. Schneider | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2002, 485 pages
483. An Introduction to Gaussian Geometry
Sigmundur Gudmundsson | Lund University
Published in 2009, 75 pages
484. Smarandache Rings
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press
Published in 2002, 222 pages
485. Amusements in Mathematics
Henry Ernest Dudeney | Nelson
Published in 1917, 280 pages
486. Super Special Codes using Super Matrices
W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K.Ilanthenral | arXiv
Published in 2010, 161 pages
487. An informal introduction to the ideas and concepts of noncommutative geometry
Thierry Masson | arXiv
Published in 2006, 56 pages
488. Group Theory: Birdtracks, Lie's, and Exceptional Groups
Predrag Cvitanovic | Princeton University Press
Published in 2008, 285 pages
489. Stochastic Calculus
Alan Bain |
Published in 2008, 99 pages
490. Jordan Operator Algebras
Harald Hanche-Olsen, Erling Størmer | Pitman
Published in 1984, 216 pages
491. Probability Theory: The Logic of Science
E. T. Jaynes | Cambridge University Press
Published in 2002, 758 pages
492. Differential Topology
Bjorn Ian Dundas | Johns Hopkins University
Published in 2002, 183 pages
493. Introduction to Randomness and Statistics
Alexander K. Hartmann | arXiv
Published in 2009, 95 pages
494. Discrete Distributions
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon
Published in 2009, 72 pages
495. Mathematical Tools for Physics
James Nearing | Dover Publications
Published in 2010, 569 pages
496. Integral Calculus
Leah Edelstein-Keshet | University of British Columbia
Published in 2010, 267 pages
497. n-Linear Algebra of Type I and Its Applications
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | InfoLearnQuest
Published in 2008, 120 pages
498. A Treatise on the Theory of Invariants
Oliver E. Glenn | Project Gutenberg
Published in 2006, 221 pages
499. Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry
Jean-Pierre Demailly | Universite de Grenoble
Published in 2007, 571 pages
500. Partial Differential Equations for Finance
Robert V. Kohn | New York University
Published in 2003
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