Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization – G. DI PILL0

Daftar isi buku ini :
- Fast Linear Algebra for Multiarc Trajectory Optimization, Nicolas Be’rend, J. Fre’de’ric Bonnans, Julien Laurent- Varin, Mouni Haddou, Christophe Talbot
- Lagrange Multipliers with Optimal Sensitivity Properties in Constrained Optimization, Dimitri P. Bertsekas
- An O(n2) Algorithm for Isotonic Regression, Oleg Burdakov, Oleg Sysoev, Anders Grimvall, Mohamed Hussian
- KNITRO: An Integrated Package for Nonlinear Optimization, Richard H. Byrd, Jorge Nocedal, Richard A. Waltz
- On implicit-factorization constraint preconditioners, H. Sue Dollar, Nicholas I, M, Gould, Andrew J. Wathen
- Optimal algorithms for large sparse quadratic programming problems with uniformly bounded spectrum, Zdengk Dostdl
- Numerical methods for separating two polyhedra, Yury G. Evtushenko, Alexander I. Golikov, Sued Ketabchi
- Exact penalty functions for generalized Nash problems, Francisco Facchinei, Jong-Shi Pang
- Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for Optimal Boundary Control of a 3D Reaction-Diffusion System, Roland Griesse, Stefan Volkwei
- Projected Hessians for Preconditioning in One-Step One-Shot Design Optimization, Andreas Griewank
- Conditions and parametric representations of approximate minimal elements of a set through scalarization, Ce’sar Gutie’rrez, Bienvenido Jime’nez, Vicente Novo
- Efficient methods for large-scale unconstrained optimization, Ladislav LukSan, Jan VlCek.
- A variational approach for minimum cost flow problems, Giandomenico Mastroeni
- Multi-Objective Optimisation of Expensive Objective Functions with Variable Fidelity Models, Daniele Peri, Antonio Pinto, Emilio F. Campana
- Towards
the Numerical Solution of a Large Scale PDAE Constrained Optimization
Problem Arising in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Modeling Hans Josef Pesch, Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej
The NEWUOA software for unconstrained optimization without derivatives M.J.D. Powell
Principles of Mathematics in Operations Research – Levent Kandiller

Daftar isi buku ini :
1 Introduction
2 Preliminary Linear Algebra
3 Orthogonality
4 Eigen Values and Vectors
5 Positive Definiteness
6 Computational Aspects
7 Convex Sets
8 Linear Programming
9 Number Systems
10 Basic Topology
11 Continuity
12 Differentiation
13 Power Series and Special Functions
14 Special Transformations
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Optimization – Kenneth Lange

Daftar isi buku ini :
1 Elementary Optimization
2 The Seven C’s of Analysis
3 Differentiation
4 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Theory
5 Convexity
6 The MM Algorithm
7 The EM Algorithm
8 Newton’s Method
9 Conjugate Gradient and Quasi-Newton
10 Analysis of Convergence
11 Convex Programming
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Buku yang membahas tentang optimasi dan anaisis ekonomi secara lengkap beserta apliaksinya.
Daftar isi buku ini :Part I Single-Objective Optimization
1 Scarcity and Efficiency
2 Kuhn–Tucker Conditions
3 Convex Programming
4 Linear Programming
5 Data Envelopment Analysis
6 Geometric Programming
Part II Multiobjective Optimization
7 Fundamentals of Multiobjective Optimization
8 Multiobjective Linear Programming
9 Multiobjective Geometric Programming
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Linear programming and its applications

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INTEGER AND MIXED PROGRAMMING Theory and Applications – Arnold Kaufmann
Buku tentang pemrograman integer dan pemrograman campuran beserta aplikasinya.
Daftar isi buku ini :
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Geometric algorithms and combinatorial optimization
Buku tentang algoritma geometric dan optimasi kombinatorial.
Daftar isi buku ini :
Chapter 0. Mathematical Preliminaries
Chapter 1. Complexity, Oracles, and Numerical Computation
Chapter 2. Algorithmic Aspects of Convex Sets: Formulation of the Problems
Chapter 3. The Ellipsoid Method
Chapter 4. Algorithms for Convex Bodies
Chapter 5. Diophantine Approximation and Basis Reduction
Chapter 6. Rational Polyhedra
Chapter 7. Combinatorial Optimization: Some Basic Examples
Chapter 8. Combinatorial Optimization: A Tour d’Horizon
Chapter 9. Stable Sets in Graphs
Chapter 10. Submodular Functions
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Discrete Optimization – K. Aardal
K. Aardal et al., Eds., Handbooks in OR & MS, Vol. 12
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Global Optimization Algorithms Theory and Application – Thomas Weise
Buku tentang riset operasi yang membahas teori optimasi dan aplikasinya.
Daftar isi buku ini :
Part I Global Optimization
1 Introduction
2 Evolutionary Algorithms
3 Genetic Algorithms
4 Genetic Programming
5 Evolution Strategy
6 Evolutionary Programming
7 Learning Classifier Systems
8 Ant Colony Optimization
9 Particle Swarm Optimization
10 Hill Climbing
11 Random Optimization
12 Simulated Annealing
13 Extremal Optimization
14 Tabu Search
15 Memetic and Hybrid Algorithms
16 Downhill Simplex (Nelder and Mead)
17 State Space Search
18 Parallelization and Distribution.
19 Maintaining the Optimal Set
Part II Applications
20 Experimental Settings, Measures, and Evaluations
21 Benchmarks and Toy Problems
22 Contests
23 Real-World Applications
24 Research Applications
Part III Sigoa – Implementation in Java
25 Introduction
26 Examples . .
Part IV Background
27 Set Theory
28 Stochastic Theory and Statistics
29 Clustering
30 Theoretical Computer Science
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Dynamic Programming and Partial Differential Equations
Buku pemrograman dinamis dan persamaan differensial parsial.
Daftar isi buku ini :
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Quadratic Variational Problems
Chapter 3 Dynamic Programming
Chapter 4 The Potential Equation
Chapter 5 Dynamic Programming And Elliptic Equations
Chapter 6 Invariant Imbedding
Chapter 7 Irregular Regions
Chapter 8 Special Computational Methods
Chapter 9 Unconventional Difference Methods
Chapter 10 Parabolic Equations
Chapter 11 Nonlinear Equations And Quasilinearization
Appendix Computer Programs
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